Dear Editor:
Having spent the better part of 25 years as a resident of Walla Walla, I consider it a privilege to serve the people as a Deputy Sheriff. Although I have only been with the office since 2012, and some may deem my voice as that of "the new guy", I have spent the last decade of my life serving in the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps on both active duty and in the reserves.
In that time, I have seen many different leadership types both stateside and in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have seen what works and what does not, and I can say that what Sheriff John Turner brings to the table day in and day out is the right kind of leadership for the Sheriff's Office.
Good leaders ensure those under their charge are equipped in a manner that leads to the successful accomplishment of assigned tasks. The recent updates in uniforms, rifles, and the K-9 Program have done just that. I have the confidence that, regardless of the circumstance day or night, I will go home to my loved ones at the end of my shift because I have been provided the best equipment possible.
Good leaders ensure those under their charge are properly trained. Sheriff Turner has sought out experts in a variety of fields ranging from community policing techniques to gang violence to weapons proficiency and handling. He also routinely communicates updates with regards to changes in legal precedence so that the deputies can effectively operate within the confines of the law as it changes. Providing this high level of training illustrates that the Sheriff has the best interests of the deputies in mind.
Finally, a good leader surrounds himself with like-minded people who seek to make improvements to the organization they represent. The Chief Deputies who head the Administrative, Operations, and Corrections Divisions have made enormous strides in improving the services provided by the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office. From an operational standpoint, the two deputies who have headed the Operations Division while I have been with the Sheriff's Office, Barry Blackman and John King are two men of incredible integrity who have backed me up on several calls and have been a tremendous source of mentorship.
I am proud to serve with Sheriff Turner. Chris Johnson Walla Walla
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