DAYTON - The Columbia County Fairgrounds comes alive this weekend as kids and adults bring their animals and crafts to show to the world. This year's fair will feature livestock showing by 4-H and FFA members from Dayton and Waitsburg, food and craft displays in the pavilion and lots of interactive activities on the midway. Food, drink and live entertainment are in store every day.
Animal Showing
4-H and FFA kids have been raising their animals all year in preparation for the fair. Adults can enter animals as well. Animal showing begins at 9 a.m. Friday and runs all day.
Many kinds of critters will be shown, including agricultural livestock (dairy cattle, beef, sheep, hogs, goats, poultry, rabbits) pets (cats, dogs), exotic animals (no breeds specified) and horses.
The livestock sale will be held Saturday beginning at 12:30 p.m. Animals will be on view in the barns throughout the fair. Pavilion Exhibits
4-H members and others in the community will show food and crafts in the pavilion throughout the fair. Categories include needlecraft, spinning and weaving, clothing (including sewn, knitted and crocheted), quilts, preserved foods, homemade wine and beer, baked goods, floral, woodworking, other crafts, fine art and photography, agricultural crops and garden fare. Entries will be judged and winners will receive ribbons. Judging was to be done Tuesday through Thursday, and ribbons will be in place during the fair. Presenters in the Pavilion
The Fair will feature special presentations from a variety of sources in the pavilion on Friday and Saturday: Artists, photographer, craftspeople and others. See daily schedule on Page 6. Walla Walla Community College
The college will have nine Departments at the fair during all three days: welding, automotive mechanics (with their race car), collision repair, John Deere program, farrier, water program, outdoor power equipment, energy systems, precision agriculture and culinary arts wagon. Several of these programs will feature interactive participation as well as demonstrations. Food and Drink
Cattleman's Free Breakfast will be held Friday morning from 6 to 9 a.m. Free with fair admission.
4-H Marksman Club Breakfast will be held Saturday morning from 6:30 to 9 a.m. By donation.
The Best BBQ You'll Ever Have: Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults $8; Seniors $6; 7 & Under $4.
Beer Garden will be open Friday, 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday, 5:30- 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, noon-3:30 p.m.
Other food vendors, including Kiwanis and Lions Clubs will be serving food and beverages during the fair Rodeo
Rascal Rodeo, offering faux rodeo events in the Exceptional Rodeo, will be held Saturday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the arena.
Jackpot Rodeo will be held Saturday starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $6 (13 & over) and $5 (7-12) Live Entertainment
Live Music - several artists will perform live on the midway during the fair. See schedule on Page 6 for more info.
Battle of the Bands - The adult "battle of the bands" will be held Friday at 2 p.m., and the youth version will be Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
Live concert with Poetry Assassins opening for Frog Hollow Band Friday at 6 p.m. Tickets $7 per person / $12 per couple.
A Dance on the Midway with Whiskey Creek Band will be held on the midway after the Jackpot Rodeo. Other Special Features
Church in the Chicken Chapel will be held Sunday at 10 a.m.
Demo Derby will begin Sunday at noon. Tickets are $6 (13 & over) and $5 (7-12)
Daily gate admission prices are shown at right.
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