Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

September 16, 2004

The 31st Annual Pioneer Fall Festival will get underway on Sunday, Sept. 19, promptly at 11 a.m. with an interdenominational church service on the lawn of the Bruce Memorial Museum. That will be followed by the presentation of the Pioneers of the Year, Ivan and B.A. Keve, at approximately 11:45 a.m.

Jaimee Hulce was installed as Worthy Advisor of Watisburg Assembly No. 68 o June 29, 2004 at the Waitsburg Masonic Lodge.

The Waitsburg Cardinals downed Tri-City Prep last Thursday on Kison Court, winning 25- 21, 25-10, 24-26. Senior Cardinal Jill Bickelhaupt served 14/17 with eight aces, 5 assists, 3 block and 7 kills.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 14, 1989

Vaughn Hubbard, Waitsburg attorney, will be honored by having the recently-remodeled Snake River Bridge on SR12 near Pasco named "The Vaughn Hubbard/Snake River Bridge."

Waitsburg Lions Club got the fall schedule off to a good start Tuesday with an emphasis on preparation for two upcoming community events and chair positions for the year's projects. Reuben Stokes and Travis Larsen sold tickets to school sporting events, offering a special discount for those who purchased admission to both fall and winter schedules. Treasurer Ken Miller reported that the club had a balance of $9,490.84 with buffalo meat paid for. He said the softball tournament netted the club $2,116.00.

Fifty Years Ago

September 11, 1964

John Nordheim, Debby Conover, and Bobby Johnson of Waitsburg have been working hard in their 4-H work - and it's bringing them credit. The trio have won themselves a berth at the Washington State Fair in Yakima on October 3 and 4, and at the Pacific International in Portland in October.

A prowler was disturbed from his work Friday night at 11:30 while he was in the process of ransacking the car belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Opatrny at 226 Willard Street. A passing neighbor saw the intruder in the car and informed the Opatrny's who called Bud Todt but the prowler had taken off before the law arrived. Entrance into the car was obtained through a small window in the otherwise locked auto, which was parked under a street light.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 15, 1939

Chester A. Keiser is getting the site in shape preparatory to erecting a new hay and stock barn at the Huntsville farm which will replace the building destroyed by fire a few weeks ago.

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Glover moved into the Allen apartments Monday.

Coach Easton, former athletic instructor in the local schools, was here Saturday visiting old friends. Mr. Easton is a member of the school faculty in Pasco this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis announce the engagement of their son, Howard Davis, to Betty Vogt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt.

Saturday evening a dinner and card party given by Mrs. Emory Bruce at the country home of the former was interrupted by the discovery of fire in the bunkhouse. Guests in dinner frocks and highheeled shoes formed a bucket brigade and held the flames in abeyance until assistance arrived from neighboring farms and towns.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 11, 1914

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hales September 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawks and daughter Dollie are attending the M. E. Conference at Pullman this week.

The Bourgeois school started yesterday with Mrs. Abbie B. Cummins as teacher. She and her husband keep house in a new bungalow built this year for them and their successors.

M. H. Land this week received another car of Inland cement and two cars of brick which seems to show that there is considerable improvement going on in this locality in that line.

Miss Cecelia Micheals and Miss Helen Diehl have gone to Cheney, where they will attend the State Normal this year.

Jasper Mountain timothy seed for sale. At the Great Eastern Department Store.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 13, 1889

We noticed two boys - Frankie Parton and Billie Preston - riding through town today on one horse. Both boys are 50 years of age.

And now is the time when the anxious candidate goes about singing, "Howdy, howdy do; how is your wife and how are you? My hand, it fits as no other can, the horny hand of the working man."

On Friday, September 27, Frank Jonas will sell at public auction at his place near Alto 20 head of excellent work horses. A rare chance to get farm horses is now offered.

While in Walla Walla on September 2, R. H. Ormsbee wrote and mailed a letter to A. L. Matheny, Waitsburg. The letter reached its destination and was delivered to Mr. Matheny this morning. Eight days in traveling 30 miles is not very rapid going. It is only a little better than "48 inches a week."


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