Council members are: Marty Dun, K.C. Kuykendall, Kevin House, Karl Newell and Debra Callahan. Dunn and Newell were absent. Mayor: Walt Gobel.
*Council rejected allocating city funds to kick off work on a third public art piece but approved the city administrator to continue fundraising efforts. (See more details at left.)
*Approved legal services contract to retain Virtual In-House Counsel as the city's legal firm. Current city attorney Kris Hedine, will hand over city duties to his partner, Jared Hawkins, prior to taking his new position as fulltime Walla Walla County District Court Judge on December 1.
*Approved resolution changing the annual insurance year-end to December 1, as requested by carrier.
*Approved agreement with Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington to maintain a small works roster.
*Approved acceptance of transportation alternative funds of approximately $38,000 to be used for additional sidewalk improvements.
*City audit has been completed with no findings or deficiencies noted.
*Emma Philbrook will be the new City Council student representative.
*Sheriff's Deputy John King is donating his time to provide a Drug Take-Back on Sept. 27.
*Council requested to revisit Waitsburg's policy regarding recreational marijuana zoning in light of decisions by adjacent jurisdictions. The topic will be added to the upcoming agenda.
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