WAITSBURG -The WP Cardinals volleyball team hopes to be "in the pink" (literally!) at their Oct. 23 home game against Dayton. The team has traditionally dressed the part for at least one game during Breast Cancer Awareness month but has decided to raise more than just awareness this year - they are working to raise funds for a local family struggling to beat the disease.
Varsity team co-captains Samantha Fedderson, Paige Wood and Caitlyn Jones spoke with The Times about the motivation behind the Pink Out fundraiser.
"The team has always dressed up for a game during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but we've seen some of the other schools do fundraisers and decided we'd like to do that as well," said Wood.
"The fact that we know a family that is dealing with this right now made us want to help even more," added Fedderson.
The Mendoza's live in Vista Hermosa at Broetje Orchards and have three children who attend school in Prescott. Mom Bernice has been fighting breast cancer since she was diagnosed last year. She recently finished a round of radiation treatments, but doesn't know yet how effective they were.
Bernice's daughter Lissette, a WP cheerleader, translated for her mother as Bernice shared her experiences with the volleyball team last week. "It was very emotional - very eye-opening," said Jones.
The Mendoza family didn't have insurance when Bernice was first diagnosed but are now receiving coverage through a Tri-Cities charity. "The money we raise will help offset travel expenses. She has had to travel to Yakima or the Tri-Cities, sometimes every day, for treatment. It's been a real hardship for the family," said Fedderson, who also attends school in Waitsburg and is a friend of the family.
The Lady Cards are selling "Pink Out for Cancer" T-shirts and hope to see the gym filled with them on October 23. Blue Crystal screen printing is charging the team only for the cost of the shirts and the overage will go to the Mendoza family. T-shirts are $15 and can be purchased from any volleyball team member or by calling Rosie Warehime at 337-6646. In addition to T-shirts, the girls will sell pink bracelets and will hold a pink bake sale at the game. A jar for donations will also be available. Anyone wishing to donate pink baked goods for the sale is encouraged to bring them to the game. Bernice Mendoza will attend the game as that night's honorary guest.
Jones said that Mendoza is extremely thankful for the fundraiser and the local support. "She said that we were a gift from God and her angels," said Jones.
"I really hope that people will come out and honor Berniece, support the family, buy and donate," said Fedderson.
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