Dear Editor,
On October 1 at the AAUW Candidate's Forum in Dayton, Randy Lewis read a pledge to the citizens of Columbia County if elected prosecuting attorney. This pledge promised, in part, that he would be "civil and courteous," and he would "uphold the honor and dignity of the court." I want to respond this pledge.
I am now retired from 16 years as a victim advocate in domestic violence and sexual assault cases. The last seven years were here in Columbia County. I first encountered Mr. Lewis in a hearing for a domestic violence protection order. After granting the protection order, the superior court judge gave both me and Mr. Lewis a set of instructions. The purpose of these instructions is to keep the parties separated and safe as they leave the court house.
At the beginning of the afternoon court session, the judge in open court offered me an apology on behalf of my client. The judge had learned that Mr. Lewis had not followed the judge's instructions and left the courtroom prematurely and entered an office where the victim would have been, had she not gone to my car to wait. The judge also spoke directly to Mr. Lewis about this matter.
In other proceedings involving Mr. Lewis, I experienced a lack of respect toward women, a disregard for victim rights afforded under law and a lack of respect for the court. Mr. Lewis has "Fair Administration of Justice" on his campaign signs. I do not believe there can be a fair administration of justice when there is such disrespect and disregard for the court and its participants.
On the other hand, I have worked with Prosecutor Rea Culwell during my same tenure in Columbia County. She is respectful of victims and upholds victim rights in all proceedings. She strives for the most favorable outcome of victim safety and offender accountability. Please join me in re-electing Ms. Culwell as the Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney. Ann Passmore Dayton
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