Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Turner is a Great Sheriff

Dear Editor,

Let's look at Cooper's September 26 Facebook post about his vision and goals for the Sheriff's Office.

Provide exceptional law enforcement services. We already provide exceptional law enforcement services, improved in fact due to the training Sheriff Turner has brought to us.

Appoint only Washington State certified administrative staff. What is Cooper implying? First, Sheriff Turner and his staff are all Washington State certified. Second, is Cooper saying that if you're not from here you have no value? I wonder if he asks that of his numerous doctors. The command staff officers that Sheriff Turner has brought us have been nothing short of outstanding. Chief Deputy King is a valuable addition and has earned the respect of the men and women under him.

Restore public trust. The only reason some of the public doesn't know what to believe is because of the rhetoric coming from Cooper, his associates and the UB. If the public knew the truth about Cooper, there'd be no trust issues with the Sheriff's Office. Officer Perez said it best, "We already have a Sheriff we can trust!"

Manage with fiscal responsibility within the annual approved budget. Sheriff Turner has done exactly that. Cooper's untrue comments on budget and expenditures along with his admitted bankruptcy prove he lacks fiscal responsibility.

Recruit staff with bi-lingual skills. Sheriff Turner has hired bi-lingual employees and will attend another job fair in October. Sheriff Turner has recruited and hired top-notch new employees, several graduating at the top of their academy classes. I believe we now enjoy great morale and our employee retention rate has improved.

Enhance patrol coverage by implementing a certified volunteer Reserve Deputy Program. If Cooper were at work, he'd know that Sheriff Turner has recruited over 60 local citizens interested in becoming a reserve deputy. Sheriff Turner is working with the Criminal Justice Training Commission regarding the proposed state rules regarding reserve deputies so the program can move forward. Sheriff Turner has a plan to fund this program, does Cooper?

I am pleased to learn the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs and the Washington State Sheriffs Association just recommended Sheriff Turner to the Governor for appointment to the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. They recognize a great Sheriff when they see one. We should too.

Join me, my family and friends, vote for Sheriff John Turner. Robin Frisvold Walla Walla


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