Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Turner’s Term Filled with Conflicts

Dear Editor,

It is very obvious!

John Turner's term as Sheriff has been filled with conflicts, disagreements, and turmoil. He has had serious confrontations with deputies, county commissioners, and other courthouse elected officials.

FACT: Turner had major conflicts with three Senior Sergeant Deputies that had faithfully served Walla Walla County Sheriff's Department for 25 to 35 years-a total of 92 years. Under the previous sheriff's reign, these sergeants had been recognized for their dedication and commitment to the people of Walla Walla County and the Sheriff's Department. It was very apparent Turner created issues and conflicts in order to replace them with his colleagues (buddies) from California.

FACT: Candidate Tom Cooper has the support and endorsement of the Walla Walla County Commissioners- that includes two currently serving, one recently resigned, and two former commissioners for a total of five. One commissioner currently serving is not endorsing either candidate. Turner has zero commissioners endorsing or supporting him! Turner has proven, by his actions, he is not willing to cooperatively work with the commissioners and other courthouse officials that were elected and trusted by the people to manage the budget and government of Walla Walla County.

FACT: Cooper has the support and endorsement of previous sheriffs.

The central theme for the conflicts and disagreements is Turner's lack of honesty, personal integrity, and his bullish leadership tactics. It is time to replace the current Walla Walla County Sheriff with the caliber of leadership that we have experienced in the past with great leaders, such as Mike Humphries, Bill Jackson, and Art Klundt. This is not Los Angeles, California!

It is very obvious and a fact that Turner has had some serious problems as Sheriff. Vote for Tom Cooper, the honest candidate, for the honorable position as Sheriff.

QUESTION: Why are John Turner's Los Angeles Police Department files sealed? Something smells FISHY! Glynn Davis Walla Walla


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