WAITSBURG - The communities of Prescott and Waitsburg are rallying to support the family of Jenna Morton who lost her life in a tragic vehicle accident Saturday morning.
Morton was returning to Prescott at about 5:30 a.m. when her van crossed the center line of Highway 124 about 12 miles east of Burbank and collided head-on with a semi truck. The 29-year-old mother, who was alone in the vehicle, was killed instantly.
Jenna's husband, Jeremy, is left to care for their three children alone. Two daughters, ages ten and seven, attend elementary school in Waitsburg and a son was born into the family on June 9. A memorial service will take place in the Waitsburg High School gymnasium at 2 p.m. on Sat. Oct. 11.
Friends, family and community members are working to raise funds to offset funeral expenses and aid Jeremy in the care of the children. There are currently several ways to donate or help raise funds. - Family members have set up an online account for donations at www.gofundme.com/fez6m4. - A schedule to provide meals for the family has been set up at www.takethemameal. com Sign in with the last name of Morton and password 2662. A bake sale will take place in front of the Waitsburg Grocery from 8 a.m to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 12. Baked good donations are welcome, as are financial donations. Waitsburg High School and middle school students will run a carwash on the morning of Oct. 12. Volunteers are needed. A spaghetti dinner and silent auction are planned from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24 at the Waitsburg multipurpose room. It is hoped folks can stop in for dinner before the football game that evening. Silent auction items are currently being solicited. Contact Jamie Gleason at (509) 525-6335 if you have auction items to donate. The Prescott Lion's Club is planning a benefit dinner as well. Call the Tuxedo at (509) 849-2244 for updated info.
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