Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Culwell Dedicated to Keeping Community Safe

Dear Editor,

The only choice for Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney is Rea Culwell. I worked for Rea as her Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for six years and saw first hand how dedicated she is to keeping our community safe.

Rea is fair. Rea evaluates a case with an eye to not only protect the victims of crime, but also to make sure that the defendantrsaquo;s Constitutional rights are protected. During my time in the office we frequently discussed how to resolve matters. Rearsaquo;s focus was not «can we win», but «what is fair.»

Rea is strong. An effective prosecutor must be willing to stand above pressure and not just take the easy way. A prosecutorrsaquo;s decisions will always be unpopular with some faction of the community. When you are tough on crime, the criminals and the people who support their behavior donrsaquo;t like you.

Rea is fiscally responsible. During the tough economic times in the past several years, Rea has consistently run the office to come in under budget while maintaining the highest of standards in services provided to our community.

Rea attended Whitman and then Emory Law School, one of the top law schools in the nation. She took and passed the bar exam in Georgia and then studied, took and passed the Washington bar exam. Each state has their own version of the law. It is essential to know the law of the state where you practice.

Rea works to make our community better. Rea serves tirelessly with community groups to help our youth and families. She is on call 24/7 as Coroner. Rea is available to assist law enforcement with issues as they arise.

I also want to quell any rumors about why I changed jobs. I loved working for Rea. It is an honor to work for an ethical, intelligent and caring prosecutor. When my new job was offered to me, the difference in earnings and benefits was such that the move was the best for me and my family. I am lucky to work with wonderful intelligent people in my new job as well.

Our community is fortunate to have Rea as our prosecutor. Lets keep our community moving forward and maintain the high level of service the Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney office has provided with Rea as the elected prosecutor.

June L. Riley



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