Dear Editor,
After attending the candidates forum I was impressed with the level of dedication Rea Culwell has within the community and with the amount of grants she has helped secure. At the Last election I was considering Randy Lewis but he had not passed the Washington Bar, so I felt he was not qualified to be a prosecutor, so I voted for Rea Culwell.
Here we are four years later and after I believe 12 write in votes he is back on the ballot. I must admit that with my soon to be wife being a lawyer I understand now more than ever how important it is to understand Washington law and to have proven it by passing the Washington bar. Because Washington law is so unique. In the four years since the last election Mr. Lewis has not as of yet passed the Washington Bar.
Rea Culwell is tough on crime and is always under budget. As a Republican that is what I want in a prosecutor and I urge all of you to do the same. Bud Mills Dayton
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