Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Vote No on I-594

Dear Editor,

Unfortunately I-594 goes far beyond simply extending background checks to all sales of firearms as supporters claim. The main sticking point for most opposed is definition (25) "Transfer" and the numerous uses throughout the 18 page document. Would store clerks be guilty of a "gross misdemeanor" for simply allowing a potential customer to handle a firearm ("temporary transfer") without first doing the required back- ground check? You would by allowing a friend to shoot your gun without a prior background check.

Hunter safety classes teach having a hunting partner hold your firearm when crossing a fence but doing so under I-594 would be a gross misdemeanor without a prior background check. Even the exemptions listed in Section 3(4) apply only to gifts, not "transfers" or "temporary transfers" to others and are severely limited (including time limits when inheriting a firearm through a Will).

Had the body of the initiative stuck to what it is being advertised--a way to extend background checks to the sale of all firearms--it might have earned more support from gun owners. As written it is an attempt by anti-gun folk-many of whom are providing big support dollars from out of state-to see if they can get it through as a test in our state before expanding to others. Vote NO on I-594 until it is clearly written and stays on topic. Jim Davison Waitsburg


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