Dear Editor,
I am writing to urge your support to reelect Rea Culwell as Columbia County Prosecutor. Rea serves Columbia County well and understands the duties and responsibilities of the Prosecutor. She has gone above and beyond the duties required of the position and realizes the importance of keeping current on Washington State law. In addition she cares about our community and is an active community member who has volunteered her time and expertise to make our county a better place for all. Rea was instrumental in helping secure our $625,000 federal Drug Free Communities Grant. She has served as President of the Coalition for Youth and Families and now serves as the chair of the Policy Committee. Other contributions she has made to our community during her terms include: securing and providing over 150 Child IdentiKits which provide invaluable tools in recovering lost or abducted children; attending the State Prevention Summit with our High School students, serving as the Coroner during the High School's Every 15 Minutes program, teamed with a high school student during the SHEO Spring into Action forum to facilitate a workshop about the privatization of liquor sales and the effect on our youth; served as a Mentor to High School Interns, providing them with an insight into the criminal justice profession. When Rea learned our community would lose our local DSHS facilitator, she spearheaded the effort to write a grant to obtain equipment and training and secured the Community Services Mobile DSHS Unit coming to our community so those in need can get the services they need. Rea has served our community in countless more hours working with our students and adults. She is a member of Kiwanis and the Blue Mountain Child Abduction Response Team.
I believe that she is clearly the best choice for our community. Please join me in voting for Rea Culwell. Nancy Butler Dayton
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