Dear Editor,
The Board of Directors of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the hospital bond because it is imperative to sustaining the community's quality of life and its economic viability.
For the Chamber Board, economic growth is not our only concern. The wellbeing and sustainability of the community is also paramount, and this bond addresses just that. Having sufficient health care services is vital to the community and this bond is a creative and long-term solution to addressing the problems that threaten its very existence.
Also, without the hospital, the area would lose one of its largest employers, possessing a payroll of $6 million per year. If those jobs and income disappeared, it would not only devastate every local business, but also, the local tax base, and thus, compromise our school system and government services.
We feel the bond is a very cost effective remedy to the financial hardships facing Columbia County Health System. 50 cents per $1,000 assessed property value, is more than reasonable to preserve a health care system that provides much needed emergency and primary care, assisted living that ensures loved ones stay close, community outreach, and serves as an economic cornerstone.
Board of Directors
Dayton Chamber of Commerce Dayton
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