Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


WAITSBURG - Local veterans took turns standing proudly as the Waitsburg High School Band played excerpts from the official song of each branch of the military at a Veterans Day program on Friday afternoon. Waitsburg's Theater Arts class and the High School Band welcomed their honored guests in the community program held in the WHS auditorium.

ASB president Owen Lanning welcomed the audience and introduced senior Mikala DeRuwe who sang "The Star Spangled Banner." The band played a rousing rendition of "Salute to America's Finest" as veterans -- many wearing their service hats -- stood for recognition. Theater Arts students then took turns sharing the history of honoring our veterans and their service.

Loegan Harshman, Sofia Mercado, Kare Shively and Nikki Fisher talked about the history of Veterans Day.

In 1921 an unknown World War I soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, which became the focal point of reverence for America's veterans. Ceremonies throughout the U.S., England and France all took place on Nov. 11, celebrating the end of World War I fighting at 11 a.m. November 11, 1918 - known as "Armistice Day."

Following World War II, President Eisenhower changed the day to Veterans Day in order to equally honor the soldiers that served in World War II. In 1968 a law changed the date of commemoration to the fourth Monday in October, but it soon became apparent that Nov. 11 was a day of historic significance to most Americans and observance was returned to its original date in 1978.

Caitlin Mohney, Caitlyn Jones and Katie Bryant spoke on the program's theme, "Celebrating the 200th Birthday of the Star Spangle Banner."

American lawyer Francis Scott Key wrote the anthem - originally titled "Defence of Fort M'Henry"- as he watched the Battle of Baltimore from an American vessel in Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. "We can never fully repay our debt of gratitude to the more than 650,000 American service members who died in battle or the 1.4 million who were wounded. We can, however, recognize and thank the 25 million veterans still living today," said Jones.

Anaisea Araya, Cade Branson, Sam McGowen and Emily Nettles spoke of the writing process and popularity of the "Star Spangled Banner," followed by Karlie Mathews, Rayne McManamon, Casey Ramierz, Trevett Sandburg and Owen Lanning who took turns reciting the verses of the song.

Lanning led the audience as they stood to observe a moment of silence in respect to those who gave their lives for their country. Chris Philbrook and Arield Sandau played taps as the crowd bowed their heads in respect. Kris Karl concluded the ceremony by asking members of the senior class to escort the honored guests from the auditorium.

Members of the WHS band, directed by Brad Green, include: Brandon Boudrieau, Jesse Brown, Jason Carter, Korben Duffy, Clarissa Espana, Joseph Faughtenberry, Thomas House, Tayler Jones, Kitty Lambert, Joe Leamy, Kyle Martin, Olivia Ortiz, Chloe Pearson, Johnathan Peters, Chris Philbrook, Alex Pietrcyzk, Gillian Pope, Trey Potts, Kaitlyn Quiroz, Ariel Sandau, Robert Walsh, Deja Williams and Tyler Wood.


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