Ten Years Ago
November 18, 2004
Waitsburg High School senior Chris Conway's mother, Nola Conway, presented what the Walla Walla Corps of Engineers is doing in Iraq at a special assembly last Wednesday honoring United States veterans. In the prelude to the November 11 Veteran's Day observance, students and members of the public heard a history of the holiday, viewed a multimedia presentation honoring local veterans, and heard Conway recount experiences as a public affairs specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
New members of the Waitsburg Lions Club were initiated at the club's November 9 meeting, which was also the annual visit of the District Governor. DG Marie Vogel witnessed the brief ceremony, conducted by Lion Tom Baker, with sponsors and inductees Lion Glen Smith, Greg Smith, Lion Eric Johnson, Ken Hatcher, Lion Bill Thompson, Bret Moser, John Parker and Lion Larry Johnson.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 16, 1989
Sandy Conover, daughter of Larry and Pam Conover, was chosen as a member of the Washington State Judging team for a trip to Colorado to participate in the National Western 4-H Show in October. Sandy was chosen from 4-H participants who took part in the State 4-H Fair in Puyallup on September 23, when she took a second place in judging in the state competition.
Odako Club met with Betty Webber on Nov. 9th. Betty Lou Branson won the door prize. Debbie Shaeffer presented an interesting program, demonstrating the art of marbling. The club decided to furnish pies for Ye Towne Hall 10th anniversary banquet.
Fifty Years Ago
November 13, 1964
This week was sort of an anti-climax. Everyone had been so involve in talking about the election, that it takes a week or so to think of new and different things to discuss. Happenings, as a result, were a little slim along the main drag this week.
Mrs. Wills reported to The Times that Jimmy was the first patient admitted to the new Dayton General Hospital which had its formal dedication on Sunday, November 8. Jimmy was moved by ambulance Thursday, Mrs. Wills said. His condition remains unchanged following the motor bike accident he incurred in September.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
November 17, 1939
The Alto Club met lst Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leland Kessler. After a short business meeting, embroidery envelopes were made and at the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Paul Talbot and Mrs. Ode Snider.
Mrs. Art Combs is in charge of the Red Cross drive in Huntsville and will appreciate anyone who wishes a button to let her know as it is rather hard for her to call on everyone.
Mrs. Emory McCown assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McConnell and Mrs. Charlie Zuger entertained at two large parties at the McCown home last Thursday and Friday afternoon. A dessert luncheon was served on Friday.
One Hundred Years Ago
November 13, 1914
Saturday was the fourteenth birthday anniversary of the Sayres twins - Leah and Leon, children of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sayres, and a party was given in their honor. Their cousins from Walla Walla, Clara, Roland and Daniel Thurber, Jr., were among the guests present.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shuham, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Mount, Miss Marie Chapman and Earl J. Butler motored to Palouse Falls and back Sunday. Harold Wayde, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Wayde, is out of school this week, caused by three broken ribs received in the football game here last Friday afternoon.
John Seagraves had finished digging his potatoes and he is now busy getting wood stored at the hall preparatory to the big dance which is to come off soon.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 15, 1889
Jack Allen and Mr. Romine of Prescott passed through the city this morning on their way home from the mountains, having killed five large deer.
A. H. Carter has recently opened an oyster parlor and chop house in the room immediately north of J. H. James' barber shop. He will give you anything to eat at any time, and serve fresh oysters in any style.
The young man who went to sleep and fell off his seat at the Christian Church on Sunday night is invited to come again and repeat the dose. Such occurrence always tends to break the monotony of religious exercises.
C. H. Erwin came out from Walla Walla on Saturday to remain. He will have charge of the Hunt depot in this city.
Yesterday Tom Heskett tried to drill a hole in the pavement with his thumb. It wasn't Tom's fault. The horse had never been ridden.
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