To find out more about Lemonade Day, visit online. Mr. Mc- Cann is still looking for youth sponsors (investors and mentors) for the program. He can be reached at Dayton Elementary School or by email at
Mentors can be a parent, a youth organization leader, an employee, or a high school or college student-just about anyone willing to inspire a child to build a stand and to spark a dream!
Mentors are asked to commit to 10 hours over five months working with a small group of budding entrepreneurs to cover the "14 Steps to Success."
"This project is not designed to solicit funds from families or anyone outside of the school," said McCann. "It is important for stakeholders to realize that a significant part of the lesson is to account for all expenses and pay back loans. Your guidance and insight are welcomedhellip; but you are not there to 'bail them out.'"
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