Board members Ross Hamann, Christy House, Randy Pearson and Greg Zuger were present with Marilyn Johnson absent.
*Approved Facilities Supervisor to move forward in pursuing an offer from Young's Heating & Air Conditioning to provide and install, at no cost to the district, ductless heating and air conditioning in one classroom, with the District being responsible for covering associated electrical expenses.
*Enrollment increased from 290.12 to 294.12. This is 25 over the budgeted enrollment of 269.
*Ag teacher Nicole Abel will take maternity leave from Jan. 5 to March 22. Her classes will be covered by Gene Wilkes.
*Dinah Lindsey, Lynne Martin and Dr. Clarke attended a Re-Think Mathematics workshop and will be presenting that information to the teachers on Dec. 3.
*Dr. Clarke proposed adding a part-time employee to work daily from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to cover the elementary school lunch hour, assume specific tasks from Business Manager Becky Dunn, who has been working excessive hours, and assist with high school special education students during fourth period. The cost to the District is estimated at $9,000/year. The board took the proposal under consideration.
*Final costs on the summer feeding program show that it broke almost even, with a bottom line of $355.48 (not including operating costs such as electricity).
*Approved surplussing the 2002 Montana van.
*Approved replacement of phone system from Walla Walla Electric for a bid of $23,686. The current system is out-of-order regularly and is too old to be upgraded.
*Jeff Bartlow was hired as high school boys basketball assistant coach and it was voted to pay Ben Christianson for his time volunteered as jr. high football assistant coach.
*Approved a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Waitsburg Education Association.
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