Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

WP Athletic Combine to End

WAITSBURG/PRESCOTT - A shortage of available gymnasiums between Prescott and Waitsburg means the boys and girls high school basketball teams alternate between early and late practices in Waitsburg while middle school students practice in Prescott. Neither coaches nor athletes are fans of the late practice schedule, but it became "the straw that broke the camel's back" when a proposed

- then rejected - solution to that problem resulted in the pending termination of the Waitsburg Prescott athletic combine.

Currently, high school teams meet in Waitsburg for early practice (3:30-5:30 p.m.) one week and then for late practice (5:30 - 7:30 p.m.) the next. At a mid-November meeting of the WP Athletic Combine Advisory Board, boys' basketball Coach Tavis Crittenden presented the idea of hosting the girls' middle school basketball program at Vista Hermosa rather than at the Prescott gymnasium in order to eliminate late practices for high school students who could then use the Prescott and Waitsburg gymnasiums simultaneously. The committee agreed to the plan and Prescott officials were encouraged that the move would also boost participation among middle school girls who reside at Vista Hermosa.

As the news reached Waitsburg parents and community members, however, issues began to arise. Waitsburg School Board members received negative feedback from parents and faced the issue of where to hold wrestling practices when the boys' basketball team is using both the gym and multipurpose room in Prescott.

Several parents and community members attended the Dec. 10 Waitsburg school board meeting and objected to the fact that the district's youngest students would be traveling the farthest to practices, to a school that didn't have any students above fifth grade. District Superintendent Carol Clarke presented two alternatives to the board and the board voted to retain the current practice schedules and locations, rather than accepting the advisory board's suggestion of moving the middle school practices to Vista Hermosa.

Clarke informed Prescott superintendent Brett Cox of the decision via email on Dec. 11 and followed up with a face-to-face meeting. Clarke's email reminded Cox that the advisory board was just an "advisory" board and issues will be decided by the school boards.

Clarke said that of the 19 middle school girls signed up for basketball, 11 are from Waitsburg and that parents of seven of those athletes indicated their girls would not participate if practices and games are scheduled at Vista Hermosa. She also stated that Prescott participation has increased from 1 player in 2013, to 5 in 2014. "This would suggest that Prescott middle schools girls are starting to participate regardless of where the practice is held," she said.

Prescott had originally proposed changes to the combine agreement in March of this year. That proposal included separating junior high sports from the combine, separating high school basketball and volleyball when Prescott had enough athletes, and moving to a pay-per-player fiscal structure.

The Prescott board ultimately agreed to remain in the combine through the 2014-15 school year, allowing time to work with Waitsburg to address concerns that centered around participation and fiscal structure. They agreed to notify Waitsburg of a possible decision to terminate for the 2015-16 school year by Dec. 1, 2014.

Cox notified Waitsburg of Prescott's intent to terminate in a Dec. 17 email. He stated that Waitsburg has rejected several options for revamping the athletic program but Prescott was pleased with the suggestion of moving middle school practices to Vista Hermosa.

"We were encouraged by this option as we believed it would eliminate late practice for high school basketball players and increase participation levels for Prescott middle school students residing at Vista Hermosa. The committee was in agreement that this would be a good plan," said Cox.

He acknowledged that, immediately following that discussion, Clarke asked if Prescott intended to remain in the combine and that he said was encouraged by the discussion and would be interested in staying in the Combine with that change. After being informed that the change was rejected, Prescott chose to terminate the combine agreement.

"We are very disappointed because, again, Waitsburg is failing to recognize that the combine serves a very large area and our students, too, will need to travel to participate," Cox said. He also said that Prescott continues to be interested in working with Waitsburg to find a program structure that benefits all parties involved.

Prescott's board voted to officially terminate the combine agreement at their Dec. 18 board meeting. Neither district had the combine listed as an action item on their December school board agendas. Waitsburg's discussion, and subsequent vote, took place as part of the Athletic Director's report and Prescott had the discussion listed under report items as well. The Prescott board reportedly took an unofficial poll prior to Cox's letter, which was followed up with an official vote at the board meeting. Clarke said that Waitsburg will honor Prescott's decision even though the deadline had passed, since discussion had been underway.

The termination leaves the districts with much to work out, including how to divide uniforms and equipment and whether Jubilee athletes will be able to play football for Waitsburg in the event that Prescott doesn't field a team. Clarke said that, at this point, WIAA guidelines indicate that will not be an option, though they will continue to investigate. Waitsburg officials expressed concern that, with decreased athlete participation in recent years, Waitsburg may be unable to offer some of the sports currently available.


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