Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

January 27, 2005

For future generations of students, sports fans and visitors to Waitsburg High School, the name “Kison Court” and the reason Waitsburg’s gymnasium is so named will no longer be a point of local knowledge only, nor will it fade with the passing of the generation who remember the late Ernest and Dorothy Kison.

Adda Roberts celebrated her 98th birthday on Monday, January 24 with family members including daughter and son-in-law, Jan and Bill Zuger, great grandson, Danny Dunn and great-great grandchildren, McKenzie and Cody Dunn.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 25, 1990

Veteran reporter Vance Orchard, who has written newspaper stories and books for six decades, brings that expertise to the Times as a columnist in February. Orchard will write a weekly catch-all column very similar to the one he wrote for more than a decade for the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin.

J.W. “Buffalo Bill” Thompson, Mr. Waitsburg Development himself, had the great idea of featuring the Bruce House at night. If you walk downtown and see that sterling example of Mid-victorian architecture lit up for all to see you can thank Bill. He has been working on some other items of interest to local folks, and if someone can encourage new business or industry in Waitsburg, Bill sure has our vote.

Fifty Years Ago

February 2, 1965

The state will contribute $4,600 from its flood control fund toward repair and restoration of flood-damaged levees at Waitsburg, State Conservation Director Roy Mundy announced Wednesday. The work, expected to cost $36,400 in all, will be carried out by the Army Engineers.

James A. Stonecipher is now chairman of the Walla Walla County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation (ASC) committee. With the recent death of Lewis Collard, who had served as committee chairman for many years and had been re-elected chairman for 1965, each member of the committee advanced one position.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 26, 1940

A group of 30 drove to the Forrest Conover home Friday evening for a surprise on Mrs. Conover. A pot luck supper was served, the evening spent socially.

Mrs. Merle Pasley Vennum, student of the University of Washington, has satisfactorily completed studies for graduation, the registrars office announced today. Approval of her work completed at the end of the autumn quarter last month, gives Mrs. Vennum a degree of bachelor of science in nursing from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Fred Bachmann, Jr. sophomore engineering student at the University was named at the scholastic honor roll for the fall quarter.

Mrs. Vincent Jones and children of Okanogan came Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moxie Zuger. Zuger is confined to his home by illness.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 22, 1915

For the benefit of the Waitsburg poultrymen, Ole Norris will sing at the Dayton K of P Minstrel show. “It’s the last feather from our Longhorn rooster’s tail.” Hear the song “It’s a long ways to California.”

Fred Bachman arrived home last Friday after a two month’s visit with relatives in Iowa. Fred has gained so much weight while he has been away playing that it will take considerable running around the hills to put him in condition again.

Willis Hales, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hales is in town from Pasco for a few days visiting his parents.

Neson Grewell, who recently sold his farm of 560 acres in Whetstone Hollow to Henry Zuger, has purchased 960 acres of wheat land between Endicott and LaCrosse, Whitman County, and expects to move his family there about March first.

The sport of the season on Jasper Mountain is trail breaking. The mountaineers do not take to the sport as enthusiastically as one would wish. However, a few braves succeeded in getting the road in shape so it is now possible to get to Waitsburg.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 25, 1890

Buffalo Bill and his Wild West Show are in Carcelona, Spain. His Indians are learning to talk Spanish.

Another family made happy by the advent of a brand new eight pound son last Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones are the fortunate parents.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of J. D. Laidlaw and Miss Cora B. Johns at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. Weller on Tuesday, January 28.

On Wednesday morning, James Loundagin slipped and fell with result to badly cut his right hand with an axe. Dr. Hudgin dressed the wound.

The Christian Church has secured the services of Elder P. R. Burnett of Monmouth, Oregon for the coming year, beginning the first Lord’s day in February. All the members will please take notice of the time and endeavor to be present. W. S. Mineer, clerk.


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