Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Vote Yes for City Streets

Dear Editor,

When you get off the two or three most traveled streets of Dayton, there is no question we have some of the worst streets to be found in a city of our size. The side streets are covered with pot holes, deteriorating pavement, and in some cases, just plain gravel. We deserve better than what we are getting. 

The City’s proposed ballot issue coming up on February 10 to increase the sales tax from 8.1% to 8.3% is a drop in the bucket. It will produce a whopping $69,000 a year if approved, which will be dedicated to street repair and replacement. That won’t do much towards even repairing one block. BUT, it is a huge step in the right direction. This money will provide a base for asking for grants and matching funds which will, over a period of time, begin the long and expensive project to put our streets in the condition we have long desired. This is a win-win, in that this kind of work increases the safety of driving, riding a bike, or even walking on city streets. It will also increase the appearance of our city, which ultimately increases the property value of every home. 

Let’s all vote YES on this issue, so that we can begin the process of making this city one we can be proud of again.

Jim Kime



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