Site coordinator says social aspect is the highlight of the meals
WAITSBURG – Each Tuesday, local seniors gather in the basement of the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church where they enjoy a hot meal and welcome fellowship. The meals are provided through the Walla Walla Senior Center's Senior Round Table program and have been taking place in Waitsburg for close to 30 years, according to the center's executive director Howard Ostby.
The center prepares the meals and delivers them to Waitsburg where local volunteers take over serving, collecting donations and delivering Meals on Wheels. "The congregate meals help get seniors out of the house and are a great way for them to connect with others, keep up on what's going on in town and ask for help if they need it," said Ostby.
If an individual is 60 or older, both they and their spouse (regardless of the spouse's age) qualify for Senior Round Table meals. Donations ($4 suggested) are accepted, but not required and clients are asked to give only what they can afford. Food stamp Quest cards are also accepted. Those under age 60 are also welcome but must pay the full price of $7 per meal.
Otsby said the center is very thankful for the great volunteers in Waitsburg. Robbie Skiles has been the Waitsburg site coordinator for at least a decade and is assisted by co-coordinator Lavonne Bren and regular volunteers Doris Huffman, Pat Largent, Marianne Newell and Doris Hulce. She also has several substitutes and admits that husbands sometimes get "roped in" to help as well. Skiles credits Walter and Dorothy Harris with getting the program started in Waitsburg. "They decided we needed to have meals here and contacted the senior center and made it happen," she said.
Skiles says the meals are excellent but that she hears repeatedly that the social aspect is the biggest draw. "We have wonderful cooks and the food is delicious but people love getting together for fellowship and taking the time to visit," she said. Skiles said attendance varies from about 12 to 18 people each week.
In addition to the congregate meals, the Center provides Meals on Wheels to those with limited mobility. Clients must pass an assessment and can then receive both a hot meal and up to 13 frozen meals each week. The service is intended for those who are homebound or unable to cook and prepare their own meals. "We are really trying to help people stay in their own homes as long as possible and to save taxpayers the cost of footing the bill for facility care for those who don't absolutely need it," said Otsby. "It's also a good way to make sure individuals are checked in on regularly," he said. Skiles said that five to ten Meals on Wheels are delivered in Waitsburg each week.
Volunteers begin serving at 11:30 a.m. each Tuesday in the basement of the Presbyterian Church (504 Main) but diners are welcome to show up early to visit. "I'd love to see more join us. There is always plenty of food so there's no need to make reservations!" said Skiles.
The Walla Walla Senior Center (also known as The Center at the Park) operates in four counties and serves Waitsburg, Walla Walla, Burbank, Dayton, Pomeroy, Clarkston and Asotin. The center provides many services in addition to the Senior Round Table and Meals on Wheels programs. Below are a few:
*Ensure Plus, a therapeutic nutrition drink, is available for $25/case to those who are suffering from cancer or have a hard time swallowing. The drink must be prescribed by a doctor.
* The Center offers a Voice Care Program that allows seniors to get set up with a device they can push when they have fallen or are in need of help. A response facility operator will go down a list of pre-set phone numbers, calling neighbors or family until they reach someone who can check in on the senior. Plans start at $15/mo.
*The Center provides Adult Day Care for caregivers who need respite in caring for seniors. Staff members play games and do activities with seniors while keeping them busy and safe so that family members can get a needed break. The cost is $50/day.
To learn more about the Walla Walla Senior Center, its programs, or to volunteer, visit online or call (509) 527-3775.
Reader Comments(1)
redmom6 writes:
Thank you to the Walla Walla Senior Center and the local volunteers that make this possible!
02/04/2015, 6:04 pm