Dayton Ponders Whether a 2016 Levy Is Needed
DAYTON – Members of Dayton School District’s technology committee are meeting this week to discuss the future of technology for the district. Dayton may consider a technology levy in February 2016 to replace the current levy in support of such equipment in the schools, according to Superintendent Doug Johnson.
Capital levy funds are collected each year to support technology purchases in the district, according to Johnson. “Recently we placed an order for 48 Chromebooks. These are laptop computers, and they will be placed in two carts – each holding 24 units. Our intention at this time is to have one cart in the K-8 building and one in the high school,” he said.
The initial purpose of the laptops is for completing state assessments; the district plans to have these laptops installed and in students’ hands by the end of the month, giving teachers and students a chance to use them prior to this year’s assessment time.
“There are sites where students can access released assessment items in order to prepare themselves for the test, which will be given later this spring,” Johnson said.
Over the next two years, the district plans to add computers in an effort to place technology in the hands of students on a regular basis, he said. Simultaneously, the district is encouraging staff to attend trainings and seek opportunities to incorporate technology into their everyday lessons.
The elementary school currently has 10 iPads spread out amongst the staff, Johnson said. “Instructional apps for the Apple devices make them potentially more desirable for elementary-aged students, and we continue to explore their use when considering future purchases,” he added.
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