Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - March 19, 2015

Ten Years Ago

March 24, 2005

Harold Mitchell, long-time Waitsburg area resident, celebrated his 90th birthday with a party at Ye Towne Hall on February 6. Over 60 well-wishers attended the party and enjoyed two kinds of birthday cake with Harold.

An ordinance approving one-way traffic on Academy Street was passed unanimously by the Waitsburg City Council, for a 90-day trial period.

Photo caption: Jeff Presler’s Black Angus/White Face Hereford cross calves, pastured at the south edge of Waitsburg, are some picturesque livestock, especially when warm sunshine sparks a frolicksome moment as it did earlier this week when the Times lens dropped by for a visit.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 22, 1990

Waitsburg Commercial Club voted Tuesday to donate its traditional $50 to the Waitsburg Junior Livestock Show, scheduled for April 6 and 7. Jr. Livestock president Don Thomas thanked the club for their continued support of the local show. Don Wills said that the money for the new street flags has been collected, and that the Legion appreciates the support.

Marshal’s Memo: Complaint received on March 18 of a stereo being played too loud for neighbor’s taste. Officer contacted music lover who shut it down.

Fifty Years Ago

March 18, 1965

Judy Duckworth of Waitsburg will be among the contestants for the Miss Walla Walla contest who will appear on Spokane television, Friday, March 19.

Thieves gained entrance to the Waitsburg Legion Club sometime early Sunday morning through a vent in the roof and took guns and cash valued at over $1500. Fred Sprankel, Club Manager, reported the theft at 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The bottom part of the two-section safe was peeled, and $470 was removed from a bar til try. Another $70 was taken from coin-operated machines.

When the Green Giant Company recently paid out $835 to employees for suggestions, Cecil Mings received a check for $50. The Waitsburg plant employee suggested that a metal adjustable stencil holder be used for case stenciling. To date, the Jolly Green Man has awarded more than $2,100 to employees for their ideas that are helping the company reduce costs and improve operations.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 22, 1940

Coming unexpectedly at this time to most of our citizens is the announcement this week that Shuford and Sons hardware and implement firm, has decided to quit business.

Application for a marriage license has been filed with the county auditor by Earnest E. Daniel, 44, Waitsburg, and Werdena Haken, 31, Walla Walla.

Considerable interest is being taken in asparagus in this locality this spring with several acres to be planted in the Touchet Valley. Last spring quite a sizeable acreage was set out in the Huntsville area to the East of us.

A petition was presented to the City Council this week signed by a substantial majority of the voters residing on the south side of Preston Avenue, east of the Touchet Bridge, asking that this strip of territory, which is outside the corporate limits of the City, be annexed to the municipality, and calling for a special election.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 19, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gallea for many years respected residents of this city, observed their Golden Wedding anniversary last Friday by inviting in their relatives and immediate friends to a big dinner.

Sid Hinchliffe has returned home being much improved in health although his rheumatism has not entirely left him.

Chas. Porter and family expect to leave Saturday for their new home in Idaho. We wish them success in their new field of labor.

O. L. Denney and family and Cary Pritchard attended church in Waitsburg Sunday.

Mack Taylor has the architects plans about completed for his new residence on Coppei Avenue, which he expects to erect early this summer. the old cottage is to be either removed to another lot or torn down to make room for the larger and more modern structure.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 21, 1890

Aunt Roxie Keiser arrived home from the Williamette country last Tuesday. After a long absence she is glad to be once more in the beautiful city of Waitsburg.

Horseographs and Jackatypes printed on short notice at The Times office.

While bringing his children to school last Wednesday morning, Martin Hauber’s team went on a little picnic, upset the hack and spilled the children. No one hurt.

Some unknown party has been helping himself to Mr. Bateman’s water tank, pump and suction hose. Whoever did the bad deed will save himself a bushel of trouble returning said property, for friend Bateman has fire in his eye.


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