March 10
Two subjects arrested on West Street for harassment, malicious mischief and assault (4th degree domestic violence). Subjects caused damage to property and pushed family members.
March 12
Subject caught on “A” Street in Prescott possessing marijuana on school property. Report forwarded to prosecuting attorney’s office for charges.
March 9
Lost property reported on E. Main Street; caller reported they lost a debit card and driver’s license sometime around the first of the year and were wondering if anyone had turned the items into the Sheriff’s Office. Deputies assisted Fire District 3 on a medical call on S. 2nd Street. Suspicious female with luggage lying on the stairs to the city pool; deputies checked the area but were unable to locate her. Unwanted, harassing phone calls and text messages from unknown person with blocked caller ID reported on S. 5th Street; the messages were in Spanish.
March 10
Deputy gave a hitchhiker a ride to Dodge Junction on Highway 12. Attempted break-in reported at Croft’s Floral and Gifts on E. Main Street; someone reportedly cut the fencing wire on the locked gate in the alley but no entry was made to the building and nothing was taken. Theft reported on N. Cottonwood Street; lime green crosswalk safety marker was taken but later recovered on Tremont Street and returned to owner. Erratic driver on a motorcycle reported in the school zone at high rate of speed; deputies were unable to locate. Reckless driver in a yellow Chevy pickup reported on W. Main Street, swerving and driving under the speed limit; deputies were unable to locate.
March 11
Theft reported on W. Richmond Avenue; several items taken from a back yard by a neighbor and had already been reclaimed by owner. Caller reported that a male was threatening them and banging on their door on W. Cameron Street; deputies responded but the male had left prior to arrival and deputies search the area without success. Caller reporting a possibly intoxicated driver described the vehicle as a blue Cadillac that was parked at the Texaco station; deputies responded but were unable to locate. Deputies assisted Fire District 3 on a medical call on Rose Gulch Road.
March 12
Trespassing shed hunter reported on N. Touchet Road on private property; deputies responded and contacted Mark Cook, a 54-year-old male from North Pole, Alaska, who was cited on suspicion of criminal trespass in the second degree. Possible assault reported on S. 6th Street; reporting party was retrieving items from a residence when an alleged assault occurred leaving the caller with a bloody nose, however the caller had also fallen in the back yard. Theft of jewelry from a residence reported on S. 5th Street.
March 13
Assault reported on W. Cameron Street; victim has possible broken nose while suspect, 22-year-old Dayton resident Albert Yacovelli, fled the scene. Yacovelli is wanted by deputies for questioning. Female reportedly being harassed on social media on Johnson Hollow Road.
March 14
Vandalism reported on W. Cameron Street; victim reported that someone threw a rock through her vehicle window. Bicycle found in the river near the foot bridge but was gone when deputies arrived to pick it up. Dayton resident Terry Wilson, 44, was cited on suspicion of driving with a suspended license.
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