Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - March 26, 2015

Ten Years Ago

March 31, 2005

Michael Luce M.D. of Dayton was recognized as Washington State’s Outstanding Rural Health Physician of the Year for 2005 last week. The presentation and award was presented to a very surprised Luce by Washington State Secretary of Health, Mary Selecky and Columbia County Health System Board Chair Roland Schirman.

An Easter theme was enjoyed by 19 members of 55 Plus at Ye Towne Hall, Friday, March 25. Netta Mohney designed festive place mats and Sarah Wilson furnished molded chocolate bunny favors. Pat Largent along with a variety of helpers served as hostesses.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 29, 1990

The Waitsburg Rainbow Assembly welcomed five new members initiated on March 21: Carissa Langford, Heather Stephenson, Missy Samson, Jessica Smith and Jackie Ryckman.

Neil Henze was elected to serve as president of the Waitsburg Lions Club at the annual election held Tuesday night. Since there were only two contests on the ballot, Glynn Davis moved that a unanimous ballot be cast to elect all on the proposed slate except the officers that were contested.

Students of Pam Conover, sixth grade teacher in Waitsburg, recently competed in an essay contest to promote the importance of agriculture in the Walla Walla area. Essays were based on originality and expression of theme, neatness, grammar, spelling and mechanics. Jonathon Abbey, son of Bruce and Barb Abbey was the local school winner, receiving $25 and a T-shirt. T-shirts were awarded to Heather Ferguson, Toni Jones and John McCaw.

Fifty Years Ago

March 25, 1965

The Waitsburg Junior Livestock Show will be held Saturday and Sunday, April 10 and 11 at the Community Building, as announced this week by Don Thomas, president of the group and director of the show. Francis Wood and Carl Peck will act as co-superintendents of the show; Ellsworth Conover and Howard Smith will have charge of the beef; Fred Harris and Jim Hnasen, sheep; Carl Nordheim and Jerry Gordon, swine; Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harper, horses; Jill Wood, clerk; Betty Jo Donnelly and Beverly Harper, publicity; Jerry Gordon and Mr.and Mrs. Carl Nordheim, special exhibits; Jim Burres and Jim Hansen, parking; office chairman, Betty Jo Donnelly assisted by Mabel Wood and Rose Harris.

The City of Waitsburg has lost a valued citizen and a wonderful, warm person in the passing of Howard Packer. His buoyant philosophy of life and his interest in other people will be sadly missed along main street.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 29, 1940

Donald Harris and Fred Harris, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris, have just concluded the purchase of 665 acres of choice wheat land in Spring Valley, from the Sam Breeze estate.

The fire siren was moved this week from the former location atop the old City Hall, recently sold to W. T. Hamilton, to the roof of the two story brick building known as the Exchange Bank building, and located on the opposite side of the street.

Fred Bachmann and family have moved from the farm home in Wilson Hollow, where they have lived for so many years and which was sold last year to W. W. Baker. They have moved temporarily at least, to the Keve place on Jasper Mountain.

H. P. Peterson, deputy County Auditor, has just presented to the Waitsburg Lodge No. 16, F.&A.M. a number of ceiling light fixtures which were formerly used in the County Court House and which he recently purchased from the Commissioners.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 26, 1915

Jack Cushin went to sleep the other day while riding on a gang plow and fell off and the plow ran over him. If it had not been for assistance at hand, he might have been badly hurt.

Mrs. Ed Cobb and Mrs. Robt. Pollard gave a party in honor of Mrs. Orlan Phipps last Friday afternoon. The ladies assembled at the home of Mrs. Pollard with their needlework. About 20 were present.

Clarence Eaton has purchased a new Ford touring car during the past week and now drives to and from the Coppei ranch in double quick time.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 28, 1890

A. Mickelsen has appealed to the Superior Court from the award of damages made him by the County Commissioners, caused by the opening of Whiskey Creek road.

Rufus Clapp, a prosperous farmer in the Fields Gulch country, spent last Friday night in the city. He honored this office with a call, and from him we learn that grass is starting nicely, that farmers are plowing and that there is a little land-jumping occasionally attempted in his locality.

Born in Columbia County, March 10, 1890 to John Woods and wife, a son.


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