Requesting: $800,000 in a two-year levy for tax year 2016 & 2017
Cost to taxpayers:
2016: 66 cents/$1,000 assessed property value = $400,000
2017: 65 cents/$1,000 assessed property value = $400,000
Example: A $200,000 home would cost the owner $132 each of the two years.
Note: These are estimates. The new wind turbines will come on the tax roll during this time period and drive the cost per thousand lower – the county assessor has no estimate of how much.
Timeline: Projects could begin summer of 2016; all projects should be completed by summer of 2017
Project addressing: Safety, security and efficiency
Sidewalk and asphalt repair: tree removal and replacement where damage has occurred to sidewalks; repair to weather damaged, cracked and uneven surfaces and corroded and uneven stairways. Asphalt playground needs significant repair to provide safer environment.
Sidewalk estimate:
Cement $52,000
Includes sidewalk replacement, tree removal and replacement and rebuilding stairs
Asphalt playground $40,000
Entry doors: 30 years of use has taken its toll on the integrity many exterior doors and frames; crash bar life span exceeded, parts nearly impossible to find.
Cost estimate to replace 18 exterior doors including doors and glass at the gym entrance: $85,000
Also considering panic locks and a variety of access tools (keys, cards, digital)
Phone and communication system: The emergency communication system is outdated and needs to be integrated campus wide; currently doesn’t align with state requirements (for example, when someone dials 9-1-1 from a campus phone, the county 9-1-1 call center doesn’t know which room or even which building placed the call).
Phone and comprehensive communication system:
100 phones on campus and athletic complex
$125,000 for phone, intercom, outside speakers, warning lights, hand-held radio
Roof replacements: High school roof, both flat root (vinyl membrane) and sloped roof (shingles), need to be replaced; bus garage, ag science and wood technology roof is 30 years old.
Roof project estimates:
High school flat roof $82,000
High school sloped roof $50,000
Ag shop $48,000
Bus garage and wood tech $60,000
Elementary playground $50,000
Irrigation system: Looking at installing an irrigation system at the district campus and athletic complex; this would improve the effectiveness of the watering system, heating system, and use of district resources for labor and materials. Currently the athletic complex and much of campus is watered using irrigation hand-lines, costing as much as $6,000 annually for 360 hours of manual labor (including overtime and holiday pay) plus some cost reduction for water use and electical cost for using the pump.
Cost estimate for irrigation system:
Campus $80,000
Athletic complex $60,000
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