Ten Years Ago
April 14, 2005
Waitsburg Cardinals Natasha Montgomery and Matt Baker captured firsts in the high jump and 110 High hurdles, respectively, at the Milton-Freewater Carnival of Speed last Friday, April 8. Montgomery bested competitors from 20 schools from Washington, Idaho and Oregon, and Baker finished first ahead of hurdlers from 22 high schools.
Twenty-nine members of 55 Plus enjoyed potluck and bingo at Ye Towne Hall, Friday, April 8. Lois Metler and Jo Polumsky were hostesses. The group welcomed back Kay Pettichord and Margaret Rutledge and sand “Happy Birthday” to Jo Polumsky and Mabel Wood. Mary Arland won the $5 door prize.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 12, 1990
Parade Marshal for the 1990 Days of Real Sport is Harold Mitchell, long-time Waitsburg resident who spent more than 20 years helping with the community meet. Harold will head up the gala Saturday parade on May 19.
Waitsburg Lions Cookshack served more hamburgers than ever before at the Junior Livestock Show, and chairman Neil Henze was given a round of applause for a good effort. He thanked all those who showed up and worked. The gross sales were $1531.45 with a net of $928. Treasurer Ken Miller told members Lions have a fund balance of slightly more than $10,000.
For a spot of color in keeping with the season, drive past the Ed and Cathy Lambert home on Arnold Lane, a young fir tree in the yard is blossoming with colored eggs. Completely delightful!
Fifty Years Ago
April 8, 1965
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence Route No. 2, have been named 1965 COLUMBIA COUNTY CATTLEMAN OF THE YEAR FAMILY according to selection committee chairman, Ellsworth Conover.
Pacific Power & Light company has construction under way on a new $84,324 power line between Waitsburg and Prescott.
The Waitsburg Lions will initiate their new “Eatin’ Wagon” at the Livestock Show this weekend. This mobile beanery is 33’ long x 11’ wide, and can serve people from both sides. Livestock show participants and guests are invited to make use of the refreshment and easting facilities sponsored by the Lions.
The Waitsburg Grange has been advised of the work done by the 4-H Clubs of the area. Four of the members of the 4-H gave talks and a demonstration at the meeting on March 19. Those attending were Gwynn Ferguson, John Nordheim, Debbie Conover and Bob Johnson. Hand made chaps were shown by Bob.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
April 12, 1940
The committees are already shaping up the program for the 2-day race meet here for our 31st annual Days of Real Sport on May 18-19. Thirty head of horses are here now with twenty-two more expected next week.
Mrs. Glenn Conover and Mrs. Loris Cox were hostesses Saturday at the home of the latter, at a 1:30 luncheon. The guests were seated at a large table, the place cards having wedding rings tied with white satin ribbon announcing the coming marriage of Miss Claire Conover to Mr. Vern Raven, the wedding to be in June.
J. B. Duncan was the honor guest at a birthday dinner at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wheeler. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duncan and daughter , Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiley of Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Neace and Mrs. Blanche Hoyt, and the host and hostess.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 9, 1915
The Economy Tag Company which is composed of local men, have finally decided to manufacture their patent tag in this city and the first of this week ordered it built by the Regina Co. of New York, a special tag-making machine which is to cast approximately $3,000. The officers and directors of the company are F. A. Jonas, A. G. Loundagin, L. D. Wheatley, J. W. Morgan, M. Mikkelsen and Roland Allen.
Lawrence Weller of the Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. bookkeeping force left Sunday for San Francisco to visit the Exposition.
Clemens Keve was down from Jasper Mountain last Friday. He reports fully two inches of snow fell on the Mountain Thursday while it was raining in th valley.
Three patrols of Boy Scouts have been organized from the Intermediate dept. of the Christian Church. R. C. Harding was chosen scout master and Ronald Wayde, Eston Mock and Walter Buroker, leaders of the patrols. The Scouts will take their first hike Saturday.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 11, 1890
A number of Miss Daisy Evans’ friends planned and successfully carried out a surprise party for her last Thursday. A very pleasant time was spent, playing games, croquet by moonlight, etc.
About a dozen immigrants arrived in this city on Sunday’s train’ they are fresh from the east and will settle in this locality.
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