Dayton High School FBLA received awards in a number of events at the state Business Leadership Conference in Spokane earlier this month. Two Dayton members are serving as state officers: Taylor Frame serves as state parliamentarian, and Keelin Hovrud is the southeast region vice president. Taylor Frame placed first in Local Chapter Annual Business Report, and her work in this area lead to DHS receiving a chapter Gold Seal recognition. Frame and Keelin Hovrud placed first in Desktop Publishing. Angie Dedloff, Angela Mascall, and Carissa Price placed fourth in Digital Design and Promotion. Frame, Hovrud, Matthew Warren, and Marisa Klein placed fourth in Parliamentary Procedure. Ally Chapman placed fourth in FBLA Principles and Procedures. Tristin Streby placed fifth in Graphic Design. Reed Rickords placed fifth in Introduction to Information Technology.
Frame and Hovrud will represent Dayton's chapter and state at the National FBLA Conference in Chicago at the end of June. Wendy Frame, a Dayton FBLA volunteer, was named Business Person of the Year for Washington state. DHS teachers and FBLA advisor Rob Moore was name Outstanding Local Chapter Advisor in the state.
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