Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - April 30, 2015

Ten Years Ago

May 5, 2005

Senior Cardinal tracksters Matt Baker, Gabe Kiefel and Wade Bennett garnered multiple firsts to lead the Waitsburg boys to another meet win April 26 at Dayton. First place finished by Natasha Montgomery, Anna Hoffmann and Marci Jo Lanning helped the Cardinal girls team to third place.

Thirteen Odako ladies met at the home of Deanne Johnson on Thursday evening, April 28. The business meeting consisted of committee reports from the spring luncheon and project committees. Project chairperson, Jackie Ely, showed a sample rug, which will be presented to the city library.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 3, 1990

Amy Branson will be the Valedictorian of the Calss of 1990, and Jason Payne will be the Salutatorian. Lynne Carpenter and Rachel Hinchliffe have been chosen as Honor Speakers for the Commencement.

Waitsburg High School student Angela Ferguson and teacher Jerald Scott gained first-hand work experience with Westinghouse Hanford Company as part of “Restoring the Earth” day at Hanford.

A DRS Social will be held at the Community Building on Friday evening, May 18 starting at 6 p.m. Admittance will be by race button, for 21 or older. Queen Elisa Fullerton and Princess Brenda Anderson will be introduced and crowned during the evening.

Fifty Years Ago

April 29, 1965

Kenneth Smith, president of the Days of Real Sport Racing Association crowned Miss Charie McCown, queen, at the Coronation Dance, Saturday night. Tom Baker acting as master of ceremonies, introduced the court for last year, Margaret Nettles, Karen Peters, Sharen Anderson and Linda Lytle.

There is a move afoot to unofficially declare the part of the Coppei which runs through Waitsburg as “Kids Territory” as far as fishing is concerned. the feeling is that adults can drive to good fishing waters, and that it would be desirable to keep the parts of this water that can be reached on foot or by bike so that the younger set can have some good fishing close to home.

Taking advantage of the opening day of fishing season, eleven second class Boy Scouts of Troop 336, with Dr. Pearson as adult leader, spent the past weekend, April 24, 25, camping on the north fork of the Coppei. Hiking 1 ½ miles, with packs, were: Bruce Abbey, Charles Baker, Ben Brown, Doug Brown, Ralph Brown, William Brown, Martin Huffman, Jim Leid, Randy Pearson, Rich Pierson , and Ed Sickles. Roy Leid assisted Dr. Pearson in this camping jaunt.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 3, 1940

The State Parks Board has finally got around to the erection of a caretaker’s cottage at Lewis and Clark Trail Park, 4 miles east of this city, on the Touchet River.

Barbara Bachmann will be valedictorian of this years graduating class from Waitsburg High School. Mary Jane Dyar will have the honor of being salutatorian.

The Alto Club met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack Cockburn for a dessert luncheon with Mrs. Shaffer assisting.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace were driving in the McKay district Sunday enjoying the beautiful green fields.

One Hundred Years Ago

April 30, 1915

Miss Cecil Munberg and Mr. Ray Wheatly were married at Walla Walla Tuesday evening of this week, April 27.

M. Zuger, Jr. has unloaded several cars of lumber on his lots on Main Street and from present indications work on the basement of his new residence is to commence very soon now.

Waitsburg people went to Walla Walla in force Monday evening to see John Drew in “Rosemary” at the Keylor Grand. It was a very creditable production of this quaint old English olay, and John Drew seems to possess all his old-time personality.

The United Brethren Church at Huntsville is to be dedicated Sunday, May 2nd, and the dedicatory sermon will be delivered by W. A. Nicholas, Conference Superintendent.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 2, 1890

On last Tuesday evening MissAddie Fudge entertained a few friends at croquet from 6:30 until dark. The party then repaired to the house, where they were favored with some very fine instrumental and vocal music by Miss Addie. Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable time was had. The following were present: Misses Lillie Houtchens, Addie Fudge, Zo Heskett and Daisy Evans. Messrs. Albert Hollowell, Fred Squires, Anderson Cox, and Thornton Heskett.

Plem Bateman’s little boy is very ill with typhoid fever.

The boys of Bundy Hollow have decided to have a social game of baseball on teh first day of each week, instead of Sunday School.

According to the Pomeroy Independence, a Garfield County man ordered a hydraulic ram for the purpose of improving his sheep.


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