Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - May 251, 2015

Ten Years Ago

May 26, 2015

The Class of 2005 of Waitsburg High School will hold commencement exercises at 8 p.m. Friday, June 10, 2005. The ceremony will be held on Kison Court. Twenty-three members of the class will receive diplomas. Giving the valedictory address will be Jill Bickelhaupt, who maintained a 4.0 g.p.a. during her four years of high school. Salutatorian of the Class of 2005 is Gabriel Kiefel, who finished with a 3.884 g.p.a.

The Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee float, a replica of the mill built by Ed Lawrence and paraded by committee member Jeff Broom, was the first-place float in the Civil/Fraternal Division of the 2005 Days of Real Sport parade last Saturday.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 24, 1990

Waitsburg Lions installed Rich Oates and Woody Epp as new members Tuesday night, and heard several reports on activities involving the Days of Real Sport. Lion Dan McKinley was given some gentle ribbing about setting up the Lions tent, only to have it blown down in the high wind. Conflicting reports on damage to the unit were received.

Sandy Conover, member of Waitsburg FFA Chapter, qualified for a trip to the National FFA Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, by placing second in the state competition held in Pullman last week.

Fifty Years Ago

May 20, 1965

Postmaster Ivan Keve this week showed me a whole stack of mail that he has received waiting to be cancelled by te new “100th Anniversary” cachet. Some stamp buff published a notice about our celebration in a philatelic magazine, and ‘Ike’ has received inquiries from all over the country – some as far away as 10017.

Rumour has it that one of the n umbers on this year’s program will be a number of songs by a quartet which graduated just fifty years ago. The group sang their way thru the eighth grade and high school and are preparing to make another appearance on May 29. Members of the quartet are Glen Conover, Waitsburg; Basil Austin, Walla Walla; Verl Keiser, Long Beach, Ca.; and Harold Wayde, Pasco.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 24, 1940

Extensive flood control work, 25 miles of roads and streets construction, a memorial building, substantial park improvement and new water and sewer systems are listed among the permanent improvement completed for Walla Walla County by the Works Project Administration during the past four and a half years.

Rainbow Asembly Monday evening held majority services for Roberta Stonecipher, Elizabeth Wolfe and Mary Elizabeth Walker. Joan Hamilton was installed as advisor with her staff of officers. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buroker of Huntsville announces the engagement of their daughter, Roma, to Lloyd Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dennis of Lowden.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 28, 1915

The Patriotic Order of Sons of America gave a banquet in the K of P Hall on Monday evening at which about one hundred person sat down and greatly enjoyed themselves.

Mrs. Joyce Mantz left Sunday to join Mr. Mantz at Topeka, Kansas after a visit with relatives here for some weeks. She was accompanied part of the way by Miss Brown who taught one of the grade rooms in our school during the past year and who goes home to remain.

W.B. Shaffer and wife and daughter Wilma, left Tuesday evening for California points including Los Angeles and San Francisco. They will be absent several weeks.

Mrs. J. S. Houtchesn went to Spokane Tuesday night upon receipt of a telephone message tht her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Benn, was seriously ill with ptomaine poisoning.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 23, 1890

Cards are out announcing the marriage of I. A. Wilson and Miss Florence Mullinix at the M.E. Church this city Wednesday next at 7:30 p.m. Reception at residence of J.P. Mullinix 8 to 9:30.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will serve strawberries and ice cream at the City Hotel on Saturday (Tomorrow) evening from 6 to 8 o’clock and also after 9 o’clock – served in the hotel dining room.

S. Wood, having sold out the restaurant and bakery business entire, will give his attention to improving his ten acre tract in the west part of the city. He will put up a barn which he will occupy as a residence until about the time snow flies when he will put up a residence.

Wedding cake taken on advertising accounts at this office. Fruit cake preferred.


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