Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

School Board Update

May 13, 2015 Board of Directors: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson, Greg Zuger. Randy Pearson was absent.

Facilities/Transportation/Maintenance Supervisor’s Report (Colter Mohney):

Updated board on motor pool and suggested the district surplus two older buses and purchase a smaller GM bus, with handicap accessibility, with 80,000 miles, available for $2,500. Mohney provided quotes for two new, two-wheel drive busses, and requested the board approve him a purchase amount. The board approved up to $65,000 toward the purchase of a new, larger bus and board members will check out the $2,500 used, smaller bus.

Superintendent’s Report (Dr. Carol Clarke):

Enrollment is 291.4 students.

Clarke updated the board on a visit from Washington State Schools Superintendent Randy Dorn and Assistant Superintendent Dan Newell.

Updated on new grade level assignments following the upcoming retirement of 4th grade teacher Margie Douglas. Elementary teachers are: Pam Beasley, kindergarten; Dinah Lindsey, first grade; Wenda Parr, second grade; Marne Henderson, third grade; Deanna Coulston, fourth grade; Gabe Kiefel, fifth grade. Sarah Reser will teach all sixth grade classes at the middle school. Lynnsey Bailey will teach middle school social studies and language arts. A high school social studies remains open.

New Business


Ken Beasley provided a technology update and suggested a plan for updating/upgrading current computers and infrastructure.

Instrument Rental Fees:

Clarke commented that she receives complaints from parents required to pay the $50 annual instrument rental fee for sixth grade band, which is required in the district. She said parents didn’t feel they should have to pay extra for required classes and suggested the board drop the rental fee for sixth grade students. Marilyn Johnson said she would like to see the fees dropped, or made optional, for all band students. Greg Zuger felt the rental fee held parents accountable to care for the instruments. Christy House motioned to drop the rental fee for sixth grade students but the motion died for lack of a second and the fee structure remains the same.

2015-16 School Calendar:

Clarke presented the 2015-16 school calendar which begins Sept. 8 and ends June 10. Christmas vacation begins Dec. 18 and ends Jan 4. Spring break would be April 4-8 with no snow days built in. Clarke said the community would be advised that any snow days would extend the end of school date. Christy House said she couldn’t, in good faith, approve a calendar with no snow days because parents make plans and would be frustrated when school didn’t end when they assumed it would.

Clarke said the Tues. after Labor Day in 2015 is the latest it will ever be and, with two buildings without air conditioning, the desire was to get students out as early as possible, so snow days were dropped. Board Chairman Ross Hamann said that snow days were added fairly recently and have only been used twice. He commented that the community appreciates including the snow days and view it as prudent planning. He suggested that, if the board approves the calendar without snow days, it not be precedent-setting. The board approved the calendar as presented, with House in objection.

Following the vote, Wooderchak expressed concern with the two full weeks off at Christmas. “As I see our community poverty rate increase, I envision students from Dec. 18 to Jan. 4 without nutrition – breakfast and lunch programs – at a time when finances may be directed more toward heating and holiday expenses.” She said she would like to voice that concern so that it could be considered in future years. Zuger expressed frustration that the issue wasn’t brought forward earlier and Wooderchak said it wasn’t her place to participate in discussion prior to the vote, but reiterated that she would like the issue considered in future years.

Board Meeting Change:

Board approved moving June’s meeting from June 10 to June 17 to accommodate a retirement party for Mrs. Douglas on June 10.


Board approved hire of Troy Larsen to replace Jeff Bartlow as high school football coach.


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