Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - June 4, 2015

Ten Years Ago

June 9, 2005

Design plans for the new bridge over Coppei Creek on SR12 have been changed to include a design to match – as closely as possible given monetary restraints – the original bridge structure, Waitsburg City Councilman Mark Shively told The Times this week.

A number of vocal Waitsburg citizens are campaigning in behalf of Eric Seibel, a physician’s assistant employed by the Columbia county Hospital District, who serves patients at the Waitsburg Clinic. The group, spearheaded by Kate Reeve of Waitsburg, took out a half-page ad in The Times seeking support from the public.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 7, 1990

Waitsburg Lions Club will hold its final meeting of the 1989-90 year at the cookshack on Monday (MONDAY) evening, June 11. This is a change from the normal Tuesday meeting night, primarily because of conflict with softball/Little League schedules. Awards for the year will be given out by President Guy McCaw, and the new slate of officers will be installed for the 1990-91 year. Word is out that John Gagnon will be cooking French fries, but we could not verify that rumor. Neil Henze will take over the reins of the club as President. In a pre-inaugural statement, Henze said, “I shouldn’t have the problems about eating rotation we have had this year. I know one thing. I will always eat first.”

Marshal’s Memo entry: Report of person who sold horse returning to borrow the animal on May 29. New owner had refused. Owner #2 spied car of Owner #1 parked near pasture. Owner #2 asked marshal to watch car/horse situation.

Fifty Years Ago

June 3, 1965

It was Herman Gohlman Day at the Days of Real Sport Race Meet on Sunday, May 30. Herman has been the secretary of the Association for 21 years, and was honored for his faithful service by the presentation of luggage for himself and his wife, Delores.

Photo caption: The high spot of the annual Waitsburg Alumni Banquet held Saturday night, May 29 was this quartet made up of members of the Waitsburg high school graduating class of 1915. This group made up of Verl Keiser, Glenn Conover, Basil Austin, and Harold Wayde had been singing together since the 8th grade. They did several old favorites and a couple of encores for an enthusiastic audience of over 250.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 7, 1940

Crowds were there Sunday to view the first water to run over the dam at Grand Coulee according to several Waitsburg people who made the trip over there.

The building of the new Grange Hall has been started on the land recently purchased from Alex Mock in the east part of town on Preston Ave.

The municipal swimming pool, thoroughly cleaned and the chill taken off the water by hot water from the boiler, opened June 4. Doris Kotteman will be matron in charge.

Miss Roberta Stonecipher has been transferred to Spokane by the Standard Oil Co. She has been working in the Walla Walla office for some time and recently the division officers were moved to Spokane.

Mrs. Fred Singer, former Waitsburger now living at Kirkland, Wash. came over last Thursday for Memorial Day. She is visiting a few days with relatives before returning home.

One Hundred Years Ago

June 11, 1915

Mr. Fred Norris, of Dayton, received a broken leg Sunday evening near this city as the result of the auto in which he was riding turning turtle.

Mrs. Lillian Benn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Houtchens passed away at Spokane, Tuesday morning June 8, from the effects of ptomaine poisoning.

Miss Carrie Clark and Mr. Forrest Conover, both well-known Waitsburg young people, were quietly married Saturday evening, June 5, at 7 o’clock at Walla Walla., the ceremony being performed at the home of Rev. W. W. Burks, who read the marriage service.

J. C. Lloyd of near Colfax, brother of the late A. G. Lloyd, accompanied by John M. Lloyd, who was born near this city fifty years ago. And his wife, Filena Ann, together with Herman Sterritt, and wife of near Steptoe, Wash. composed a party who came through this city Tuesday afternoon on their way to the Pioneers Reunion at Walla Walla. The party stopped here long enough o shake hands with old friends for a few mintues.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 6, 1890

S. G. Marvin last Saturday purchased Mullinix’s interest in the Central Meat Market and the firm is now Lloyd and Marvin. “Sandy” is a first-class man in a meat market and everybody is glad to see him back in there.

J. W. Morgan is busy this week enumerating children of school age; R. H. Ormsbee is busy assessing both for city and county purposes and the phat man is busy taking census for the United States. The first two mentioned are merely county officials while the latter is in the employ of the United States – ahem! How we apples swim.


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