Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - June 18, 2015

Ten Years Ago

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Two Waitsburg Schools students were winners in a letter-writing contest sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Samuel Southard Post No. 25. Philip Kock, 13, the son of Bernadette Kock, and Sydney Eng, 9, daughter of Marvin and Patty Eng, took first in the “My Letter to a Person in the Armed Forces” essay contest that involved 14 schools and five age groups from third through twelfth grade.

The Waitsburg Lions Club honored Guy McCaw and John Kenney as Co-Lions of the Year for their membership building efforts, and Lion J. W. “Buffalo Bill” Thompson as a Melvin Jones Fellow, the highest honor a Lion can be given. Presenting Lion of the Year honors was outgoing president Robbie Johnson.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 21, 1990

Members and friends of the Christian Church are invited to a farewell-and-hello picnic Sunday afternoon, June 24 to be held in Preston Park at 12:30 p.m. This will be a farewell to Rev. Del and Martha Troxell who have served the church for the past six months, and a welcome to Rev. Mike and Melissa Ferrians who will assume the pastorate.

Photo caption: Mayor Roy Leid gives local McGregor manager Pat McConnell a big bear hug after he had been presented with a pen set to honor Leid for his hard work in helping the company acquire the former Smith Canning property here. Looking on is Alex McGregor. Leid and the council worked hard to get the farm chemical company to locate in this area, and Leid said he was proud of his part in the negotiations.

Marshal’s Memo entry: Suspicious auto noted on June 3 taking pictures of houses on West 3rd and 4th streets in Waitsburg. Picture of fish on back of yellow blazer, with logo on side. Seemed like fishy deal to complainant, who called marshal.

Fifty Years Ago

June 17, 1965

Pete Huwe and Glynn Davis have a couple of new kitty-cats. They found them in the Dayton area last Sunday. We will have a picture of them in next week’s paper, plus a little more info about them.

J. K. Keve and Robert Maib ran in the Inland Empire AAU track and field meet in Pasco on Saturday, June 12, and brought home bronze medals to show for their efforts.

Joe Abbey, Waitsburg Gun Club president, presented Frank Bramlett with a clock which depicts rifle, pistol, and shotgun. President Joe said that words did not suffice to commend Frank for the long hours and diligent service which Frank has given to the club.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 21, 1940

Mrs. Lelia Osborne Hastings, 82, died Tuesday morning June 18 at St. Mary’s Hospital. Mrs. Hastings was born May 13, 1858 in Brownsville, Ore., and was the last child of Josiah and Margaret Osborne, survivors of the Whitman Massacre. She is survived by one son, P. O. Hastings, and two grandchildren, Robert and Sarah Jane.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sutton and daughter Elizabeth, attended the graduation exercises of the University of Idaho, Monday morning when Charles Sutton received his bachelors degree in business administration.

Saturday, June 22, this week, former students of the Waitsburg Academy will meet for their second reunion. The committee in charge is H. L. Gray, Walla Walla, Marion Kingman, John White, Cleve Houtchens and Blanche Bloor.

One Hundred Years Ago

June 25, 1915

Albert, the nine-year old son of Maurice Land, had the misfortune to fall and break his shoulder blade Wednesday of last week. He is getting along alright.

Harry White, the well-known plumber of Dayton, was down this week with a force of men overhauling John Sampson’s windmill.

Roy Allen, Jim Kirkpatrick, and Lew Walker, took a trip overland to LaGrande on their motorcycles Wednesday and returned Friday. They reported the roads to be in good shape and the races held there were a success. They made the trip in about eight hours each way.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conover, Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Harding, Mrs. J. D. Price and J. L Keiser went to Spokane Tuesday to attend the annual convention of the Inland Empire Christian Missionary Society which is in session in that city this week.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 20, 1890

The members of the Waitsburg Cornet Band perpetrated a genuine surprise on Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Wilson on Wednesday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent in conversation, games, music, etc. An elegant luncheon, prepared by the ladies, to which all did ample justice, was served, after which the guests dispersed, each one voting the “surprise” a grand success.

There will be a grand celebration on Friday, July 4, 1890. Music will be furnished by the Dayton and Waitsburg bands, John Brining of Dayton will be the orator, and Miss Frances Lyons, reader.

At a meeting of the school board last Monday evening the following teachers were employed for the coming year; principal, Merwin Pugh; assistants, Mrs. S. E. Morrell, Mrs. Maude Rice, Miss Alta Arnold, Miss Minnie Davis and Miss Lou Neel.


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