Ken Graham count
A family photo opportunity on Main Street in Dayton.
Dian Ver Valen count
Moon Flower and Elsa from Frozen (a.k.a. Steve Martin and Doug Hinds) battle it out during the Men's Drag races Saturday afternoon.
Chase McClurg count
Stilt Man gets two thumbs up.
Ken Graham count
Yet another photo opportunity.
Ken Graham count
A mildly custom early Ford.
Ken Graham count
Visitors ogled the cars and checked their phones during Saturday's Show N Shine.
Dian Ver Valen count
Looking under the hood of a '50s Chevy.
Ken Graham count
At 6:15 a.m. Saturday, Main Street was already crowded, as owners polished up their cars.
Ken Graham count
The registration table was also crowded shortly after 4 on Friday afternoon.
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