Ten Years Ago
June 30, 2005
Two hundred years ago, perhaps one way to describe the foods eaten by members of the Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery is “basic.” The menu choices of those days of yesteryear will be the topic of a Fourth of July cooking demonstration entitled “Buffalo Innards and Weeds.”
The 33-strong Salt & Light Music Ministry group performed its homecoming concert in Waitsburg last Friday evening before a full house, culminating a five-day tour of Northwest cities that included Hood River, Ore., Beaverton, Ore., Monmouth, Ore., and Naselle, Wash. Salt & Light includes youth from Waitsburg, Dayton and Walla Walla, and this year included exchange student Anna Hoffmann of Germany.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 28, 1990
Not since the Ladies Library Association was formed here in 1884 has there been so much going on at the Weller Public Library! Oh, yes, it was more than 100 years ago that the women of Waitsburg rallied around the idea of providing good reading for the town’s residents. A leader way back when was Fannie Weller and it is for her that the current library is named. But, now, with a unique historic background, the library is embarking into the fascination... albeit, a head-scratching time at times... world of the computer.
Photo caption: The Presbyterian Vacation Bible School was in full swing last week when this picture was taken. It is proof that the Presbyterians learn early on not to sit in the very front rows, unless they are young and innocent (as those on the left).
Fire Chief Corky Callahan attended the meeting to get the information on the 911. He said he has spent his yearly budget, so doesn’t have much else to talk about for a while.
Fifty Years Ago
June 24, 1965
Cecil Mings and Mickey Leid, Green Giant employees, each received $20 Suggestion awards. Mings suggested a change and improvement on one of the company’s Standard Knapp glue machines. Leid proposed an opening jig for placing poly-liners into frozen tote bins.
A joint installation of Samuel W. Southard Post No. 35, and the American Legion Auxiliary was held in the Banquet Rooms June 17 with Frank Bauer Post No. 42 of Dayton as guests. Officers installed for Samuel W. Southard Post were as follows: John Gagnon, Commander; Fred Sprankel, First Vice Commander; Howard Davis, 2nd Vice Commander; Marvin Huffman, Adjutant; Ivan Keve, Finance Officer; Carl Henze, Service Officer; Delbert Mock, Historian; Dr. A. S. Pearson, Chaplain; Ernest Alfort, First Color Bearer; Frank Bramlet, 2nd Color Bearer.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 28, 1940
The skating rink in the Legion Hall was opened under new management the first o fthe week.
The marriage of Miss Winnifred Claire Conover and Vern Arthur Raven was solemnized Sunday afternoon June 23 with Rev. Carroll Fairbanks officiating.
The Walla Walla Elks Band took first place in competition Saturday morning in Ellensburg. Cal Malone is the director and members include Bill Keve, Murray Fisher, Bruce Abbey and son Jim.
Attending Rainbow Grand Assembly in Yakima were Phyllis Jean Anderson, Phyllis Danielson, Joan Hamilton, Gloria Jean Ray, Kathleen McCaw, Barbara Fine, Helen Rector, Loretta Beechinor, Betty Boon and Jane Lust.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 2, 1915
Rev. Walter C. Jones went to the mountains Monday with his Sunday school class – Smith Philips, Ward Guntle, Paul Free, Mayne McCoy, Everett Mitchell and Leon Sayers. They will return Saturday.
We notice this week that the Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. shipped another ton of flour by parcel post. This flour went to some little town in Oregon.
The city this week purchased a handsome team of 5-year old bays to replace the team of grays which were recently sold. The old team was getting pretty well along in years and it was thought good business to dispose of it.
Henry Conover, who caught for the Waitsburg ball team Sunday afternoon in the game against the meat cutters had the misfortune to break a finger on the right hand in the seventh inning. Leigh McBoyle finished the game.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 27, 1890
On account of seven of the nine men employed at the Washington Mills being members of the militia, the mills have been shut down since the beginning of the encampment.
Milt Jonas left at this office a sample of wheat as is wheat. It stands near five feet in height, the heads are long and the grain exceeding large and plump.
From a patch of ground containing nine square rods, Elder F. Walden this year sold $40 worth of strawberries besides using a large per cent of the berries in his own family. Who says raising small fruit does not pay in this country?
C. W. Wheeler has accepted an invitation to read the Declaration of Independence at Walla Walla on the Fourth. The building formerly occupied by the butcher shop of Lloyd and Mullenix is now being fitted up by Rufus Willard for a confectionary store.
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