Nothing to report.
June 21
Cell phone reported lost at Columbia County Fairgrounds. Wallet located in alley on W. Dayton Avenue; returned to owner. Caller reported someone sleeping in the Dayton Post Office; subject was escorted from the premises.
June 22
Threats reported on W. Commercial Street. Boise driver Donna Gage, 51, was cited for speed and on suspicion of driving with a suspended license on Highway 12 near milepost 372. Single-vehicle rollover collision on Thorn Hollow Road; 31-year-old Dayton resident Joshua Bye was transported to Dayton General and later cited on suspicion of negligent driving and no valid operator’s license.
June 23
Caller reported someone sleeping in the post office; subject was gone before deputies arrived. Dayton resident Timothy Ihle, 19, was arrested at PDQ on suspicion of shoplifting. Large tattoo table and portfolio found on Highway 12 near milepost 363; owner was contacted for retrieval.
June 24
Theft of Xbox games reported from a store on E. Main Street. Suspicious juveniles on E. Dayton Avenue checking doors and attempting to enter a shed; deputies were unable to locate.
June 25
Caller reported an injury collision between a bicycle and a vehicle on Highway 12 near milepost 364; investigation was handled by Washington State Patrol. Assault between two juvenile males reported at the Dayton City Pool.
June 26
Two watches located on E. Main Street. Theft of tow hitch from pickup on E. Washington Avenue reported; took place in the last month or so. Non-injury collision occurred on E. Main Street when one vehicle backed into another that was parked at the courthouse. Caller reported a suspicious item at the city pool; was a hand-rolled tobacco cigarette.
June 27
Unwanted subject on a back porch on W. Patit Avenue; subject was escorted from the premises. Theft of lawn ornaments reported on Eckler Street.
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