Washington Legislature Slogs On
Washington Legislature Slogs On
Last week, the Washington State Legislature was within hours of passing a biennial budget, wrapping up business and going home. But a glitch developed at the last minute. Here’s how State Representative Terry Nealey, of Dayton, put it in an email message:
Unfortunately, there’s some bad news. Due to some 11th-hour sabotage from Senate Democrats early Wednesday morning, the operating budget is now in jeopardy. The reason is Senate Democrats, despite an agreement, refused to provide the necessary votes on legislation what would suspend I-1351 (class-size reduction initiative). The agreed-upon bill, which passed the House with bipartisan support, needs 33 votes to pass out of the Senate. This requires some Senate Democrats to vote for it. The practical effect of this measure not passing is our operating budget will eventually be out of balance by $2 billion -- threatening K-12 education funding, recently-enacted tuition reductions for students and our social safety nets. This is very unfortunate.
The bottom line is Senate Democrats went back on their word at the worst possible time. Handshakes should mean something in Olympia. The Senate Democrats broke trust, betrayed both Democrats and Republicans and, most importantly, jeopardized bipartisan state spending plans that are important to so many people and communities. I voted to suspend I-1351 because the operating budget includes $350 million for smaller class sizes for K-3, and the capital budget includes $200 million for new classrooms.
The legislature has been called back for a third special session, which will run through this month. The new biennium has begun and the state officially has no budget.
Nealey also reported that the legislature passed a transportation package:
It was a difficult decision for me because I know no one wants to pay more at the pump, but I voted for the bill because it will support critical infrastructure in our state. It will also fund important projects in the 16th District, including: US-12/Walla Walla corridor improvements, the I-82 West Richland - Red Mountain interchange; the Palouse rail load-out improvements; the Lewis Street Bridge in Pasco; and the 9th Street Plaza roundabout.
I respect the opinions of those who are not happy about a gas tax increase. In the end, I felt the package was a good deal for the communities that elected me to serve them. It is also vital for freight mobility and our trade-dependent economy. Washington State is uniquely positioned to compete in the global marketplace. Our farmers and businesses need a reliable state transportation system -- especially into our ports.
The transportation investment package also prevents the governor from taking executive action on establishing a low carbon fuel standard that would drive up the cost of fuel. This is an important protection for consumers. We were also able to pass some transportation reforms that will help with cost containment and accountability.
Senate Bills 5988 (projects) and 5989 (bonds) are part of the unfinished business of the Legislature and will need to be voted on to move the final transportation investment package forward.
Hopefully we can report in the next two or three weeks that the state has a budget and the legislature can begin preparing for the fights to come in next year’s session.
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