DAYTON – Dayton City Council will go ahead with two grant applications through the state Transportation Improvement Board for street repair, Mayor Craig George said Monday. The grants would fund work on both North Front Street and South First Street, two city streets that have concerned city leaders for many years.
Both projects will require matching city funds, according to City Clerk Trina Cole. And the South First Street project would require work to the existing sewer lines there, she and Public Works Director Jim Costello said. This would likely mean increased sewer rates to help cover the cost of the much-needed repairs, officials said.
“The sewer lines are in a rapid state of deterioration,” Cole said.
City leaders are excited about the projects, however, because they would allow for two-inch overlay on the roads, and some repair work to parts of East Clay, Park and Oaks Streets, rather than basic chip sealing.
“You get a lot more for your buck,” George said of the grant opportunities.
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