July 23, 2015
Board members: Karen Tonne (chair), Sara Fletcher, Mark Hauck, Eva Madrigal, and Erik Young with Hauck absent. Also present: Superintendent Brett Cox, Principal Jodi Thew and Business Manager Patti Johnson.
*Thirteen students completed elementary summer school and 34 completed the jr. high program.
*Nine girls participated in volleyball camp.
*District is working on a career and technical education competitive grant which would be used to purchase tools and equipment for the new agricultural economics program.
*New sidewalk and handicap parking spaces have been completed and the ag building is nearly ready to occupy.
*Irrigation hose, rotary broom for the 4-wheeler, and rubber mats for the playground have been ordered.
*Received comps of $99,000 on the District’s house at 112 F St. and agreed to hire a realtor to handle sale.
*ESD approved Prescott for ECEAP preschool program. District is currently approved for half-day program, but will explore options for providing full day preschool.
*District received $5,000 Pacific Power Grant and Superintendent Brett Cox will talk with Parks & Rec. Dept. and Lions Club to see about working together on tennis court/soccer field project.
*Approved 2015-16 general fund budget of $4,791,268
*Approved 2015-16 classified salary schedule.
*Approved new hire para educators, Jessica Humble and Ada Gonzalez Hernandez
*Approved private donation of instruments, music books and teaching aids.
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