Dian Ver Valen count
U.S. Army Corps Park Ranger Walt Ray, from Little Goose Dam, demonstrates water safety using oranges to (l to r) 3-year-old Abby Corey-Boulet of Tacoma who was in Dayton visiting grandparents on National Night Out, 10-year-old Cameron Guettinger and 8-year-old brother Jaron of Dayton, and Stephanie Guettinger of Dayton.
Dian Ver Valen count
Dayton 9-year-old Madison Richardson poses for a photo at the Students Helping Each Other (SHEO) booth.
Dian Ver Valen count
More than 1,000 people attend Dayton's National Night Out, which celebrated its eighth year on Tuesday night, to learn more about health and safety in the community, play games and enjoy free hotdogs and soda.
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