Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

July 15, 2015

Board members: Ross Hamann, Greg Zuger, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson and Christy House with Zuger absent.

*Superintendent Carol Clarke read a letter from OSPI congratulating the district’s transportation department for receiving “exceptional results” in the Washington State Patrol bus inspections, for the second year in a row.

*Late legislative action dropped the end-of-course proficiency exam requirement in biology for the Class of 2016.The class of 2017 will be held to meeting that standard.

*Thirty new computers will be ordered for the high school as part of the 2015 M&O levy. The purchase will be part of the 2015-16 budget.

*Approved adoption of the 2012 Holt/McDougal Literature Series for use in grades 6-12.

*Approved the purchase of a used 12-14 seat lift bus for $3,500, and the purchase of a new bus for $62,372.

*Accepted resignation of Jeff Bartlow as boys high school basketball coach.

*Approved hire of Matthew Elder as middle/high school social studies teacher pending his certification as “highly qualified” in social studies in Washington. Elder is currently certified “highly qualified” in social studies and language arts in Oregon.

*Approved hire of Elizabeth (Liz) Alleman as full time para educator at the elementary school.

*Discussed projected costs of bond projects. (See full story in July 23 issue.)


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