Registration, sports physicals, school board meeting take place next week
DAYTON – The school year will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 1, for all students in the Dayton School District.
New students as well as returning students are encouraged to attend registration on Wednesday, Aug. 19, in the elementary multi-purpose room from noon until 6 p.m. Kindergarten students who have already registered do not need to attend, unless other children in the family haven’t yet registered.
Sports physicals will be available from 2-5 p.m. on Aug. 18 in the district office for just $5. Physicals will be provided by the new Columbia County Health System physician, Dr. Kurt Frauenpreis. All proceeds will go to the middle school-high school athletic department. Call the district office at (509) 382-2544 if you have questions about either event.
Supply lists and fees for the coming school year are on the district’s website at Fees can be paid at registration.
In other school news, the Dayton School Board’s only August meeting will be Wed., Aug. 19, in the district office at 6:30 p.m. Items on the agenda include a final wrap-up of facility projects completed during the summer months and other preparations being made for the beginning of the new school year.
With the late adjournment of the state legislature, board members still have some decisions to make regarding cost of living allowance for employees unrepresented by local and state associations, Superintendent Doug Johnson said. Included in this group are classified supervisors, district office staff, principals, and the superintendent. All other employees will receive the 3-percent COLA provided for by the state legislature.
“It is likely the board will also receive additional information regarding the state assessment results and actions taken by the State Board of Directors regarding the cut scores required for high school graduation,” Johnson said.
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