Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Police Notes - August 20, 2015


Aug. 10

Abandoned vehicle towed from McCown Road/Hwy. 12.

Aug. 13

Malicious mischief to sprinkler on 700 block of Main Street. Suspect arrested.

Aug. 14

Theft of battery and radiator on 100 block of Bolles Road.

Aug. 16

Theft of handgun on Walnut Street.

Aug. 17

Malicious mischief to fence during neighborhood dispute on 700 block of Coppei Ave.


Aug. 16

Theft of bank checks on 100 block of N. “E” Street.


Aug. 9

Erratic vehicle reported on S. 4th St. Unwanted male subject at business causing problems with tenants on W. Main. Subject was trespassed from the property. Unwanted male that was trespassed earlier is back at the business. Deputy observed male in the parking lot of Conoco in violation of trespass order. Subject was advised the order covered the entire property, not just the building. Individuals reported being assaulted by two subjects who accused them of stealing marijuana plants on E. Dayton Ave. Party reported hearing a prowler behind residence on E. Washington Ave. Deputies were unable to locate anyone.

Aug. 10

Report of idling vehicle at MP3 on Johnson Hollow Road. Deputy contacted occupant of vehicle who pulled over to get some sleep. Hit & Run on W. Main. Party reported witnessing a vehicle back into another vehicle then leave the scene. Deputy contacted all parties involved. Minor damage to parked vehicle. Scanner found next to pickup on E. Main was turned in. Caller reported an alarm activation at a cabin on N. Touchet Road. Deputy checked cabin and nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Caller complained of loud music coming from apartment on S. 5th. Deputy checked area but didn’t hear loud music.

Aug. 11

Deputy observed juvenile male smoking a cigarette and cited him for possession of tobacco under the age of 18. Non injury collision with a deer on Hwy. 12. Report of domestic verbal dispute at Cameron Ct. Parties separated prior to deputy arrival. Commercial building alarm reported on E. Main. No sign of entry and doors were secure. Caller reported a female, possibly with a gun, in a parking lot on E. Jackson St. Deputy located a male and female changing a flat tire with an impact wrench. Campers had illegal campfire on Tucannon Rd.

Aug. 12

Caller reported a cement irrigation pipe had been busted on W. Main. Caller reported yelling and screaming coming from the area of the football field. Deputies cited several juveniles for exhibiting the effects of alcohol in public and released them to their parents.

Aug. 13

Caller reported a suspicious male parked in the alley behind the Chevron station. Individual was just eating lunch.

Aug. 14

Deputy contacted two motorcyclists not wearing helmets and informed them about Washington’s helmet law. Subject was trespassed from Dayton Mercantile. Illegal burn reported at MP362 on Hwy. 12. Individual was cited for discarding potentially dangerous material. Fire was extinguished by fire dept. Deputy arrested Richard Wilkinson, a 43-year-old Dayton resident, on a local warrant for Failure to Appear on an underlying charge of DWLS 3rd/hit run unattended. Caller reported confrontation between another party over money on E. Main. Deputies separated parties.

Aug. 15

Caller reported an intoxicated male outside convenience store, not responding to questions. Deputies and EMS personnel contacted party who refused transport but was ultimately taken to the hospital by deputies. Male trespasser reported on property at MP379, Hwy 12. Male was gone when deputy arrived. Caller reported attempted entry to storage unit where RV is parked on Main St. in Starbuck. No entry was made. Caller reported possible fraud of timeshare. Caller reported theft of lawn ornament from yard.


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