Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley
Ten Years Ago
Oct. 6, 2005
Mark Shively has served on the Waitsburg City Council since being appointed to fill a vacancy in 2002, a job he approached with energy, compassion and humility, noting that the experience would be “educational.” Beginning next week, Shively will begin a new stage in his life’s education as he begins a 10-week program with the Washington State Department of Services for the blind.
An architect has been retained to begin design of the new Waitsburg Clinic, said Bruce Grimshaw, CEO of the Columbia County Health System. Mike Feeney of Clarkston was in town this week, interviewing staff and community members regarding needs to be designed into the facility.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
Oct. 4, 1990
Commercial Club heard a report from Secretary-Treasurer Ivan Keve on both the Salmon Feed and Spring picnic. The Salmon Barbecue played host to 888 patrons, about four less than in 1989.
Waitsburg volunteer firemen will have a work day at the fire station on Saturday, October 6, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Joe McCown, Jr., said all the trucks will be serviced on this work day, and urged all firemen o be there to help.
Miss Whitney Baker, daughter of Loyal and Kathy Baker of Deer Park, is appearing in a television commercial for Catholic Charities fund-raiser in Spokane. The spot ad can only be seen on Channel 6 at various times during programming.
The matchup was 4x4 Tuesday night as expert spiker Jenny Jameson for the Cardinals and Megan Davis for the Bulldogs found themselves facing across the net on several occasions.
Fifty Years Ago
Oct. 7, 1965
The non-commercial aspects of the Centennial Celebration appealed to many of our weekend visitors. The Saturday dance was free to those in old clothes (a feature of our poverty program), and a 25¢ penalty to those without old clothes. Some of the kids took off their shoes and socks, claiming that their costume was “barefoot boy with cheek of tan”! It didn’t work. I tried to get in on a pair of ragged shorts. That didn’t work either – but I understand that a couple of fellas got in on frazzled tempers.
Bill Dick’s 95th birthday anniversary was the occasion for an impromptu luncheon at Ginny’s Grill Wednesday noon attended by Bill and Harriet Peterson, Tom and Anita Baker, Julia Davis, Ruth Reed, Helia Carlisle, Nellie Ray, Harold and Lydia Roberts, Roberta Broom, Miles Brunton, and guest of honor Bill Dick. Bill offered these words of wisdom, “I don’t talk very much.” This sounds like one good key to longevity.
The new members being brought into the FFA organization this year are Joe Gagnon, Frank Reser, Tom Richardson, Leslie Richardson, Ben Brown, Dennis Groom, and Danny Neal. The initiation was supervised by FFA advisor Jerry Gordon, and conducted by this year’s officers, Pres., Steve Witt; Vice President, Norman Hansen; Secretary, Ron Miller; Treasurer, Larry Conover; Reporter, Steve Olson; and Sentinel, Rick Ferguson.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
Oct. 18, 1940
Ukiah Lumber Co. has purchased the property of Orville Fullerton and William Kennedy at Huntsville to establish a sawmill in this area.
Carolee Clodius, Betty Collingwood ad Peggy Fisk have been elected grade school yell leaders.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fullerton are the parents of a daughter born Oct. 17.
Mayor Wm. E. Vollmer welcomed over 50 members and guests of the Association of Washington Cities at their annual meeting held Thursday night following a banquet at the grade school auditorium in Waitsburg.
One Hundred Years Ago
Oct. 22, 1915
The new residence on Main Street, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Zuger, Jr. is now completed in every detail, the plumbers having completed their labors this week. The new residence has been built at a cost of $6,000.
Mrs. N. B. Atkinson and Mrs. W. M. Burch entertained at the Atkinson home on Preston Ave., Saturday evening in honor of their daughters, Misses Nellie Atkinson and Lillie Burch.
Born Monday night October 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Ola Harkins, a son.
Born at the farm, near this city, Thursday Oct. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolum McCown, a daughter.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
Oct. 10, 1890
The Prohibitioneits of this county held their nominating convention at Walla Walla last Tuesday.
Four or five wagons started to the mountains this morning for lumber to build the Adventist Church I Prescott.
Large double blanketsonly $1.50 a pair at Watson Brian’s.
Dr. J. H. Hudgin has retired from the practice of medicine, having been elected traveling lectures and instructor for the Masonic fraternity. This leaves the entire field here to Dr. C. C. Johnson.
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