Fire District and County officials will address annexation and EMS levy questions
WAITSURG – The Columbia-Walla Walla Fire District #2 will hold an open house on Wed., Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Waitsburg Fire Station at 234 Main St. Officials and representatives will be on hand to answer questions about two items that will come before voters on November ballots: fire department annexation and an EMS levy.
After 70 years of service, the Columbia-Walla Walla County Fire Protection District #2 is looking at some major changes. While it will continue as a volunteer fire department, the district is asking voters to support the annexation of the Waitsburg City Fire Department into the district and to pass an EMS levy to fund ambulance service.
The district will start an ambulance service next year, absorbing the assets of the Waitsburg Ambulance Service (WAS), which will dissolve at the end of December. The district plans to recruit local first responders to provide EMS service to the district.
According to a press release from District #2, the district is one of only two districts in the state that operates in two counties, which presents some unique challenges.
An EMS levy will appear on November ballots of Fire District #2 residents in Columbia County. This levy would allow the district to pay for EMS service to residents in the Columbia County portion of the district, which includes Bundy Hollow Road, Barger Road, Gallaher Road, Highway 12 (from Lewis and Clark Trail park to Waitsburg), Lower Hogeye Road, Lower Whetstone Road, Huntsville, McKay/Alto Road, Nordheim Road, Pettichord Road, Shea Road, Sorghum Hollow Road, the Whetstone side of Thorn Hollow Road, Weller Canyon Road, the lower side of Whiskey Creek, Wilson Hollow Road and Woods Road.
A super majority vote is needed for that levy to pass.
If it passes, the Columbia County EMS levy would add $0.50 per $1,000 valuation to property tax rates, which equates to $50 for every $100,000 of assessed value to Columbia County District #2 residents. The rate is the same as the current Walla Walla County EMS levy paid by Walla Walla County (including city of Waitsburg) residents.
District #2 commissioners say this would bring in $26,520 to the district each year. The funds would be used for ambulance fuel, ambulance maintenance, supplies, insurance, dispatch fees, future ambulance upgrades and EMT training and education.
Commissioners say that District #2 is required by law to provide basic life support, but not transport. If the proposed levy fails to pass, and the district doesn’t have the finances to run and maintain an ambulance service, an ambulance from Walla Walla or Dayton will be called to provide transport, instead.
Voters in both the City of Waitsburg and voters in the Walla Walla County portion of Fire District #2 will vote on the proposed annexation of the Waitsburg City Fire Department into the district, which requires a simple majority vote from both groups of voters in order to pass.
Only city residents would see a new line item on their tax bill, however. If approved, the annexation would result in a new $0.51 per $1,000 valuation tax for city residents. District constituents already pay the tax and will not see a change.
Voters are encouraged to attend the Oct. 14 open house to ask questions and learn more about the proposed annexation and levy.
District #2 fire commissioners, Waitsburg Fire Dept. personnel, city representatives, Executive Secretary of the Washington Fire Commissioner’s Assoc. Roger Ferris, and Dayton Fire Chief Rick Turner, will all be on hand to address questions and concerns. Organizers hope to have Columbia and Walla Walla County auditors on hand as well.
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