Ten Years Ago
October 20, 2005
The first of 83 wind turbines was turning last week, generating power on Puget Sound Energy’s Hopkins Ridge Wind Project. Caption: Television reporter Matt Markovich from KOMO in Seattle interviewed Dan McKinley, general manager of Broughton Land Company, about the benefits of the project to local land owners.
Scott Branson, former Waitsburg High School FFA advisor, received the Award of Merit at the 2005 volunteer appreciation dinner. He was recognized for his outstanding volunteer efforts at the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days. Branson has been the swine superintendent for a number of years.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 18, 1990
Waitsburg Commercial Club continued with plans for the annual Hometown Christmas celebration by naming Rose Engelbrite as chairperson for the planning and action committee. Walter Harris has offered to donate a community Christmas tree, and the Grange will handle moving the tree and coordinating the decorations. Woody Epp will again be in charge of providing community music for the Christmas season.
Jenny Jameson, one of seventeen young ladies from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and California, will make up the NBC Camp Tour for Girls Volleyball. The tour leaves in July 1991 for Germany and Switzerland.
A working model replica of a 1914 steam tractor has emerged from the home workshop of Joe McCown. McCown, one who has had a lifetime interest in working with metal, turned out the tiny tractor in an estimated “5,000 hours or so.”
Fifty Years Ago
October 21, 1965
Cub Scouts: Den 4 met for their first meeting Monday night Oct. 18, 1965. We made a fire and roasted wieners and marshmallows, then played football. We elected Tim Hawks, denner, Tim Cobb, ass’t denner, Roger Brown reporter. Gary Brown also was present. Roger Brown, Reporter.
Members of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary will hold a dinner meeting at the Legion Banquet Rooms at 6:30, Thursday evening, Oct. 21. Reports will be heard from Boys and Girls Staters, Norman Hansen, Stan Pearson, Stephen Jacobson, Phil Hoffman, Joan Land and Margaret Thomas.
Past Matrons and Patrons were honored at the regular meeting of Waitsburg Chapter, O.E.S., Monday evening. There were seventeen past matrons and three past patrons to enjoy the roast beef dinner served at 6:30. Mrs. Ervin Ely was in charge of the arrangements assisted by Mrs. Ken Jantz, Mrs. Bob DuPree and Mrs. Jack McCaw. Charie McCown and Gwyn Ferguson from the Rainbow Girls assisted in serving the dinner.
One Hundred Years Ago
October 25, 1940
For the first time in 30 years, Roy Bains of Waitsburg and Guy Bains of Fresno, Ca. celebrated their birthdays together.
Mesdames Chester Keiser, Victor Hirsch, Gene Ray and Zo Atkinson were joint hostesses Thursday afternoon at the Keiser home for seven tables of bridge followed by a dessert luncheon. Mrs. P. O. Hastings and Mrs. Jake Smith had high scores.
Pheasants are quite plentiful this fall but the asparagus fields are making fine shelter and hiding places for them.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 29, 1915
Smith Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Philips, had his left foot quite badly crushed last Thursday evening when the horse he was riding fell with him on the pavement.
Damage estimated at fully $5,000 was done by fire on the Josh Barnes farm several miles southeast of this city Saturday.
Mrs. Roby Miller who lives on Second Street, shot and killed a large porcupine with a revolver last Wednesday night. She discovered the prowler in her chicken house. Porcupines are rather a scarcity here.
The Billicum Club, composed of a number of young men, gave a dancing party Friday night, which proved to be one of the most enjoyable social affairs so far this season. The Kinder Orchestra furnished the excellent music. The K. of P. Hall was especially decorated for the occasion.
One Hundred Fifty Years Ago
October 17, 1890
R. E. Maxwell took first premium on brown corn at both the Dayton and Walla Walla Fairs. He will send a bunch to the Spokane Falls.
Mrs. W.W. Spencer and her little granddaughter, Miss Ella Breeze, left on Wednesday evening for Sprague, Miss Ella’s home. Mrs. Spencer will be absent two or three weeks.
Last Wednesday, Oct. 15, in the city of Walla Walla, Chas. A. Hauber and Miss Nellie Neace both of this city, plighted vows and formed a life partnership, henceforth to journey thru this vale of tears as one person.
Albert Dickinson is now a student at the Empire Business College at Walla Walla, one of the very best business colleges on the coast.
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