Ten Years Ago
October 27, 2005
Taking orders from customers is an everyday thing at restaurants like the Farmer’ Café. Last week, Frank and Jodi Corporon, operators of the Main Street eatery, did some ordering of their own. They ordered recliners to put their feet up in retirement. The long-time restaurant – old timers still think of it as “Ginny’s Grill” – will close October 30.
Homecoming King and Queen were John Raver and Danielle Lehr, crowned at the 2005 Homecoming Dance last Saturday night. Members of the court include Jeremy Nichols, Danielle Coila, Raver, Lehr, Marci Jo Lanning, Trey Cole, Richard Pounds, Brittany Zuger, Natasha Montgomery, Travis Williams, Jessica Mason, Conner Talbott.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 25, 1990
The Saddles ‘n Spurs 4-H Horse Club held their first meeting on October 10. The members elected officers as follows: President, Elisa Fullerton; Vice president, Sevelle Beaussard, Treasurer, Rhonda Newbury; Secretary, Jocelyn Leid; Reporter, Margaret Monfort. The club meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30. The next meeting is on November. 14, 1990 at the home of Colter Mohney.
Keith Carpenter wrote an October 13 letter to his mother, Mary Carpenter, beginning with the notation that there have been lots of political changes in Europe. He writes: The only bus trip I’ve taken so far is to Bad Dorrheim for a winefest. Our staff at school chartered a bus for the trip. Of all the fests I’ve attended, this was the best, beating the Octoberfest in Munich hands down.
Fifty Years Ago
October 28, 1965
Local flower-fanciers gathered their choice blooms and held Waitsburg’s first flower show in many years, Friday afternoon. Loren Dumas spear-headed the efforts which resulted in sixty-seven entries. These ranged from a number of arrangement by Frances Smith; one of mountain ash berries and goldenrod; fruit, a tiny oak tree, house plants, and a wide variety of chrysanthemums. Exhibitors included Mr. Dumas, Mrs. Bill Peterson, Mrs. Edna Mills, Mrs. Daisy Wales, Mrs. Wm. Vannice, Mrs. E. N. Aldrich, Mrs. Al Watson and Jack Wylie. Since such a nice show could be arranged on such short notice, plans are being formulated for a bigger show next year.
Photo caption: Koinonia Club met last week and listened to an interesting talk on wigs. Here, the hair stylist is trying a stunning black hairpiece on Mrs. Bob Hulce. (Relax, Bob, they only cost about $300 apiece!)
The election for the Waitsburg-Coppei Flood Control District has been set up for Nov. 16 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Waitsburg City Hall. Any person of voting age who holds title or evidence of title to land within the boundaries of the proposed district, will b entitled to cast a vote.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
November 1, 1940
Winter has come to the higher areas, with more than six inches of snow at Godman Springs.
Among the hunters bringing in buck deer Saturday were Mrs. Ina Clodius, Frank Zuger and Glen Smith.
The Priscilla Club members surprised Mrs. Albertina Loundagin Friday with a handkerchief shower.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kruchek took their son Emory and wife and baby to Spokane Sunday, where they expect to remain some time. Emory will work for Frankie Kessler who has a contract for work on the new Sunset Airport being built near that city.
One Hundred Years Ago
November 5, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Abbey arrived Saturday after an absence of a year in the middle western states where they have been with a theatrical company.
The married and those who ought to be should hear the sermon at the Christian Church Sunday evening; also those who never expect to be.
Frank Zuger has purchased a new Ford runabout to use in going to and from the farm when it is not necessary to use the big car.
Geo. McClure and family left Wednesday for Jerry, Wa. where they will visit relatives during the next month.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 24, 1890
Prof. Pugh will open his night school next Monday evening. The room selected is the rear of the Weller building, back of the reading room, corner of Main Street and Preston Avenue.
J. B. Kinder came down Chinook, Mt., a few days ago, and will remain here at least this winter.
On Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. Mordecia George’s two youngest children strayed from home and got lost.
The first monthly meeting of the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday evening next at 7 o’clock. The subject will be “Persia”. An interesting program is being prepared consisting of short talks, a recitation, papers, singing by a class of boys and girls.
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