Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Don't Give Up on Waitsburg Ambulance

Dear Editor,

With continued developments, I would like to ask you, the privately ran and operated Waitsburg Ambulance Board why you are giving a vote of no confidence to the staff after the passing of Richard Nauman?

It pains me to hear that you have voted to end the career of multiple staff because of your own agenda and age, not adding younger board members. Letting your own age control the lives of others as elders of our community, what lesson are you teaching the younger generation? Are you really trying to tell them it is better to give up and not follow dreams like the passion you once had? You started the service for a reason, do you even remember why? What legacy are you leaving behind?

Companies such as General Motors, 3M, Pepsi-Co, all have had a change of board members over the years. If it is a need for new board members, why not look into our community? You are willing to lose fire personal to create an EMT crew with an already established crew serving our community? The service has been built by many; I recall Patty Horny & Stephanie Wyatt being members of the crew; they left but the service did not stop. 

People give up so easily on each other these days, but we can teach our kids to be the kind of people who value others over their own comfort. We can teach them to make personal sacrifices in order to keep their commitments to people. 

One way to begin teaching our kids loyalty is to insist that they keep their promises. If they commit to being somewhere or to helping someone, they have to keep that commitment regardless of the personal cost to themselves. If a more enjoyable activity presents itself, we want our kids to say, “Sorry, I promised this other person I would be there for them.”

Waitsburg Ambulance Chief, Sharon Brooks has taken classes and has done the billing for years. What happens to the funds that are brought in to the end of the service? Are they going to land in your wallets as board members instead of upgrades to keep the service going?

Can we please get back to the roots this service?

Cindy Daves



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