Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - October 29, 2015

Ten Years Ago

Nov. 3, 2005

Nineteen members and a guest turned out for 55 Plus potluck dinner Friday, October 28 at Ye Towne Hall. Hostesses Lillian Judd and Kay Pettichord decorated tables with autumn and Halloween themes. Sarah Wilson treated the group with molded candies and brought Corey Norton as her guest.

Photo caption: Decisions, decisions. Sometimes it’s hard to decide if you want vanilla or chocolate. Recently Jerry Baker avoided the conundrum by getting both when he picked up a pair of Labrador puppies from Bill and Sharon Carter of Waitsburg. According to Carter, Bake was ready to go with the Golden puppy when he commented that he had never had a Chocolate Lab, so he got one of those, too.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Nov. 1, 1990

A hobby he discovered while serving with the Navy has become for Bernard Donnelly one he finds has become most rewarding. It was while he was in Japan as a seaman in World War II (and just out of high school) that Donnelly got his first cartridge from a Japanese submarine tender. He was in Okinawa at the time. Later on, he got his second brass shell, this one from an underground installation. These finds sparked the hobby into being and by the time he was homeward-bound Donnelly had about a dozen cartridges in his duffel bag and the hobby was well under way!

This is to put farmers on notice, in particular one who is spending time in Hawaii, that the seeds he placed so carefully in the ground here may be getting wet. Indications that we had about an inch of rain on Tuesday could mean some drastic changes in those underground pods. Just thought we’d point that out, not that there’s anything that anyone will be able to do about it.

Fifty Years Ago

Nov. 4, 1965

Miss Joan Land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Land has been chosen by the Saddles and Spurs Livestock Club to represent Columbia County on the “Rural Youth on Parade” which is seen every Saturday night at 4:30 over Channel 6, KHQ-TV.

Photo caption: You won’t find a bigger smile anywhere in the world than the one on Frank Zuger of Waitsburg after he found this giant mushroom in the Blue Mountains on a fishing trip last weekend. By actual count, this splendid specimen had 83 stems on it. How’d you like to have a steak big enough to go with it?

Seventy-Five Years Ago

Nov. 8, 1940

Over 200 members of Rebekah Lodge No. 4 and Touchet Lodge No. 5, I.O.O.F. including their families, enjoyed the annual roll call and supper at Odd Fellows Hall Saturday night.

Snow depths in the Blue Mountains are gradually piling up, the levels having been reported as 18 inches deep at Table Rock Saturday.

The American Legion Post is sponsoring their annual Thanksgiving Special on Saturday night, Nov. 16 at the Legion Hall.

The Rainbow Girls enjoyed a progressive dinner Saturday, Oct. 30. The tomato cocktail was served at the home of Helen Rector in Prescott; salad was at the home of Betty Goon; the main course was served by Mrs. McCaw and Kathleen; and the dessert at the home of Mrs. Eva Trichler.

One Hundred Years Ago

Nov. 12, 1915

The people of this city were accorded an agreeable surprise last Friday when the speedy local team defeated the much-touted Pendleton aggregation by the decisive score of 33-0.

Valley View Farm, near Huntsville, farmed by Chester Keiser, is undergoing a number of improvement in the vicinity of the house. A new cement cellar and a woodshed are being constructed and a new dairy barn 22X24 feet is also being built.

Marie Hermanns returned from Walla Walla Thursday, having spent a few days there.

Dr. J. V. Steele, John Brunson, Emory McCown and Jack Johnson left Tuesday for the headwaters of the Tucannon on a hunting trip.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Oct. 31, 1890

On Wed. night about 10 o’clock soon after the family of Hon. A. G. Lloyd had retired, Mr. Lloyd was awakened by a crackling noise to find his house on fire. None of the family had time to dress, and almost the entire contents of the house were destroyed, including the wearing apparel of the family. The house was built two years ago and was a model country dwelling.

Work on the Weinhard-Miller brick block at Dayton began this week. The patterns for the iron columns were finished at the Waitburg Foundry on Monday, and the castings will be made this week.


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